pesticides – All Otsego




The Partial Observer: The Last Roundup

As the result of the massive financial and reputational blows caused by ongoing litigation in recent years concerning Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, the German pharmaceutical giant Bayer has merged with Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically-engineered seeds. Bayer has assured that the politically-charged name “Monsanto” will be disappearing, while product names will remain the same.…


WHALING: And by The Way, Pesticides Still Used On Lakeside Links

LETTER from MICHAEL WHALING And by The Way, Pesticides Still Used On Lakeside Links To the Editor: As spring slowly approaches, golf season will begin and pesticides applied to the Leatherstocking Golf Course on the sloping west shore of Cooperstown’s drinking water source and Susquehanna River headwaters. While this practice has been previously challenged by this writer and others, the Biological Field Station has been silent. Their only comment was: “Nothing was found” in their testing. While this is good…