pfizer – All Otsego




HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Winter Fun at Glimmerglass 01-15-2022

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 Winter Fun at Glimmerglass SNOW TUBING – 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Get outside for some winter fun, gliding down a slope on a snow tube. Weather & staff dependent, call Friday for most up-to-date information. Glimmerglass State Park, 1527 Co. Rd. 51, Cooperstown. 607-547-8662 or visit…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Protect The People Around You, Get Vaccinated 12-29-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29 Protect The People Around You, Get Vaccinated VACCINE CLINIC – 2 – 7 p.m. Basset to offer chance to receive COVID-19 vaccination (includes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shots of Pfizer, Moderna), the flu shot for this year, and the pediatric Pfizer vaccination. Free, open to the public, walk-ins welcome. Please bring vaccination & prescription cards. FoxCare Center, 1 FoxCare Dr., Oneonta. Visit…


Bassett offering vaccine clinic in Cooperstown on Saturday, December 4

Bassett offering vaccine clinic in Cooperstown on Saturday, December 4 Bassett Healthcare is offering a vaccine clinic to the community, including children ages 5 to 17, on Saturday, December 4 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bassett Medical Center’s outpatient clinic in Cooperstown. The clinic will offer boosters for the Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and Pfizer as well as first and second Pfizer doses for children and flu shots. Those receiving vaccines need to be established patients of Bassett…


COVID Vaccines will be offered at Otsego County Fair

COVID Vaccines will be offered at Otsego County Fair STAFF REPORT • Special to A pop-up clinic  by the Otsego County Department of Health will be giving COVID vaccines at the Otsego County Fair. The vaccines will be available from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug 3. and Friday, Aug. 6. The available vaccines will be the Pfizer and the Johnson and Johnson. “We’re excited to be a part of the event and to offer a convenient…


Oneonta city school district will hold vaccine clinic

Oneonta City School District will hold vaccine clinic STAFF REPORT • Special to A school based COVID-19 vaccination program for students is being established by the Oneonta city School District in partnership with the Otsego County Department of Health. Students ages 12 and older will be able to receive the Pfizer vaccination at no cost. According to a survey organized by the Oneonta school district, at least 200 parents had expressed an interest in participating with the vaccination clinic.…


STERNBERG: J&J Comes To The Rescue! And What About That NFL

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG J&J Comes To The Rescue! And What About That NFL On Friday, Jan. 29, Janssen/Johnson & Johnson announced its vaccine had proven effective in Phase 3 studies. This brings a third vaccine on line in the fight against COVID-19 and potentially increases the pace of vaccinations by 50 percent. Additionally, the J&J protocol is for a single dose and the storage requirements are much less stringent than those of the two vaccines already available in the…


Delgado Completes 2-Shot Vaccination

Delgado Completes Pfizer Double-Shot Combination WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Antonio Delgado, D-19, received the second and final dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. “With full confidence in the science and following the advice of public health officials, today I received the second and final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,” he said after his vaccination.…


Cuomo Calls Out Fox

Cuomo Calls Out Fox Use Vaccine Or Lose It, He Says By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to In a daily press conference Monday, Jan. 4, Governor Cuomo called out Fox Hospital: If the Oneonta facility doesn’t use its anti-COVID vaccine allocation more quickly, it won’t get any more. The governor said Fox had only used 18 percent of the doses it has. Bassett Healthcare Network’s spokesman, Karen Huxtable-Hooker, said that figure is actually 30 percent as of Tuesday the…


STERNBERG: Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray Many people have asked me to explain vaccines to them, and specifically the ones for COVID-19. They are most concerned with how they work, when they will be available, and if they will be safe. Hopefully, this column will help. The terms vaccine and vaccination derive from the Latin name Variola vaccinae, which means small pox of the cow. Vacca is Latin for cow. The term vaccine was first…