photography workshop – All Otsego


photography workshop


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Celebrate Day Of The Dead 11-07-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Celebrate Day Of The Dead CELEBRATION – 1 p.m. Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos on Zoom with Coop Graduate Program. Features storytime & craft activity. Pick up materials at the Library during 11/5 & 11/6 (3-5 p.m.). During the week public is invited to place a copy of a photograph of a deceased loved one on the ofrenda (altar) to celebrate & honor loved ones who are no longer with us. Cooperstown Village Library. Visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, APRIL 5 Urban Renewal Panel COMMUNITY PROGRAM – 5:30 p.m. Panel on “Downtown Renewal: Community Economic Revitalization” featuring panelists Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig, Cooperstown Mayor Jeff Katz, Sociology Chair Dr. Alex Thomas, President/CEO Otsego Co. Chamber of Commerce Barbara Ann Heegan, more. Presentation followed by audience Q&A. Free, open to the public. Otsego Grille, Morris Complex, SUNY Oneonta. Call 607-436-3498. SENIOR PLAY – 7 – 9:30 p.m. CCS produciton of “Almost. Maine.” Auditorium, Cooperstown High School. Call…