progress – All Otsego




Editorial: Starlight Express

Editorial Starlight Express Last week, when it was unseasonably warm and clear in the early evening, there appeared in the low sky a string of lights, moving slowly across the horizon and disappearing. Very few people around Otsego County actually saw this, as by habit very few people wander outside and gaze upward at this time of year. There was no record of this phenomenon in the newspapers or on social media; it was as though nothing had happened to…


Editorial: Let’s Chat

Editorial Let’s Chat Last November OpenAI, a not-so-big (albeit associated, through a $1 billion investment, with Microsoft and co-founded, in 2015, by Elon Musk), artificial intelligence lab in San Francisco, introduced a newly developed chatbot—ChatGPT—that has made impressive inroads into our understanding of the challenges of artificial intelligence. The company first coded a chatbot in 2020, GPT-3, which is one of the first AI tools that responds to prompts in viable human-like text, for the most part both grammatically and,…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Celebrate Civil Rights, Learn How To Improve 06-19-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for  FRIDAY, JUNE 19 First Juneteenth, Celebrate 155 Years Since End Of Slavery CELEBRATE – 5 – 8 p.m. Celebrate our progress since the official end of slavery with food, music and art. Also, learn about all the work that still needs to be done. Please wear a mask & practice social distancing. Includes speakers at 6 with candlelight vigil at 7:45 p.m. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit for info.…


MORGAN: On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America

Column by Tom Morgan, July 6, 2018 Money Talk On Fourth Of July, Love Letter To America We find dollops of hatred on the menu this 4th of July. Facebook bristles with diatribes. As do various social media portals. Politicians screech insults. Hollywood stars spit gutter language at the President. Mobs drive White House staff and their families from restaurants. Academics rev up poisonous demonstrations. They fill young minds with anti-American bile. News networks blister the administration. Endlessly. Protests morph…