promise garden – All Otsego


promise garden


‘Walk To End Alzheimer’s’ Is This Saturday at Sports Center

On walk day, participants honor those affected by Alzheimer’s with the poignant Promise Garden ceremony—a mission-focused experience that signifies solidarity in the fight against the disease. During the ceremony, walkers will carry flowers of various colors, each color symbolizing their personal connection to the disease.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Walk to end Alzheimers 09-26-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Walk To End Alzheimers ALZHEIMERS WALK – 1 p.m. Join the Walk to End Alzheimers and help raise money to end this deadly disease. Event will include an opening ceremony at 2 and a Promise Garden Ceremony with flowers brought by participants, the colors signify your connection to Alzheimers. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit to signup or donate.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Paddle With OCCA On Butternut Creek 09-27-20

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Paddle On Butternut Creek FUN PADDLE – 1 – 4 p.m. Take in the sights, sounds on beautiful creek, learn about plants, animals, history of this diverse region with Otsego County Conservation Association. Bring your own (cleaned, drained, & treated) canoe or kayak or reserve one of OCCA’s. Bring water, a snack, & sunscreen. Free, registration required. Butternut Creek. 607-547-4488 or visit…