public discussion – All Otsego


public discussion


Forum Draws Large Crowd

Forum Draws Large Crowd By DARLA M. YOUNGSONEONTAApproximately 80 people attended the Community Cat Forum on Thursday, February 9 at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center. They gathered to discuss the increasing numbers of unowned cats in Otsego County and share strategies which might curtail that growth. “Community cats” is a term used by the American SPCA to describe outdoor, unowned, free-roaming cats. They can be friendly, feral, adults, kittens, healthy, sick, altered and/or unaltered, and may or may…


WEBB: Contribution, Not Good Governance, Resulted in Blinking-Sign Placement

LETTER from JOHN B. WEBB Contribution, Not Good Governance, Resulted in Blinking-Sign Placement To the Editor, Upper Pioneer Street has been defaced by the installation of a large solar-powered speed sign, the kind usually found in commercial districts or at the entrance to municipalities. Around the clock, it flashes the speed of all approaching cars along with a digital display of praise or warning, depending on the car’s speed. It was placed there, NOT at the request of the police…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, FEB.14 Chess Night At SUNY Oneonta CHESS NIGHT – 7 – 11 p.m. Chess enthusiasts of all levels welcome to play. Includes free lessons for beginners. Hunt Union Cafeteria, SUNY Oneonta. E-mail PUBLIC MEETING – 10 – 11 a.m. Discuss and comment on the Otsego county Draft Local Solid Waste Management Plan. Available for comment through Mar. 18. Meadows Office Complex, Classroom A, 140 Co. Hwy. 33W, Cooperstown. Call 607-547-4225 or visit…