public health – All Otsego


public health


In Memoriam: Steven M. Carlson Sr.

Steven M. Carlson Sr., 74, went to be with his Lord on February 15, 2025. He was at Cooperstown Center.  He was born February 2, 1951 in Brooklyn, the son of Francis “Frank” and Frances (Zumpano) Carlson. …


Dept. of Health Needs Your Help

Letter from Abigail Mosenthin Dept. of Health Needs Your Help My name is Abigail Mosenthin, and I am the current New York State Public Health Corp (NYSPHC) Graduate Fellow for Otsego County, at the Otsego County Department of Health. I will be working on data visualization and analyses in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am collecting data on the residents of Otsego County. I am hoping your readers will go to and take a short survey. If they…


Bassett Hits Home Run

Bassett Hits Home Run Goal Is 120,000 Shots In One Hundred Days State Approves ‘Massive Vaccination Site’ In SUNY Oneonta, To Begin On Thursday By JIM KEVLIN • Special to In a “vaccine desert,” suddenly there’s an oasis. After weeks of lobbying and some heightened expectation, it’s here: Bassett Healthcare Network announced Tuesday afternoon, March 16, that a COVID-19 “massive vaccination site” would be opening two days later, the 18th, in SUNY Oneonta’s Dewar Field House. The clinic, staffed…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: DIY Maple Syrup 01-19-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Learn To DIY Maple Syrup COVID TESTING – 8 – 10 a.m. Free Covid-19 testing for people with no symptoms. Call for an appointment. Bassett Medical Center, Cooperstown Clinic, 1 Atwell Dr., Cooperstown. 607-547-7973. MAPLE SYRUP – 6 p.m. Learn how to make Maple Syrup at the micro scale with Aaron Wightman, Co-Director of the Cornell Maple Program. He will cover why sap flows, sap collection options, the basics of processing, filtering, and grading.…


DELGADO: I’ll Focus On What 19th District Needs

LOOKING AHEAD DELGADO: I’ll Focus On What 19th District Needs Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from Otsego County’s Congressman Antonio Delgado’s State of the District address Monday, Jan. 4, the day after he was sworn in for a second term at the U.S. Capitol. Accessibility, accountability, transparency. To me, these are not just words—they are my creed. I can’t promise that we will always see eye-to-eye on a particular issue. But I can and do promise you that I…


STERNBERG: From Russia, With Love

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG From Russia, With Love Unintentionally but inevitably, and catastrophically, the Russian National Figure Skating Team has carried out an experiment that lets the rest of the world see what happens when you expose super-elite athletes indiscriminately to the risk of contracting COVID-19. While not immediately fatal, it is not pretty and suggests what the long-term consequences of contracting the disease may be for other young people. According to the Dec. 17 edition of The Wall Street…


2020 Citizen Of The Year: General In C-19 Fight

2020 CITIZEN OF YEAR General In C-19 Fight With 36 Years On Health Care’s Front Lines, Heidi Bond Was Ready By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to RICHFIELD SPRINGS Thirty-four years ago, during her first summer as a nurse’s aide at Bassett Hospital, Heidi Bond’s mother, Registered Nurse Cindy Brophy, gave her advice that has carried her through her career to date. “She told me, ‘I don’t care if you have to go cry in the bathroom every shift –…


As We Count Our Blessings, Let’s Stay The Course

This Christmas, Hope Should Be Foremost As We Count Our Blessings, Let’s Stay The Course Last Sunday, www.AllOTSEGO was able to trumpet the news: “VACCINE HERE! 350 Bassett Tier 1 Workers Getting Shots Over Weekend.” Within hours, thousands had clicked throughto read the good news. It – the COVID-19 pandemic – is not over, but it’s on the way to being over. This happy news comes at a time when, as the Gospel of Luke had it, humanity wishes for…