Real Property Tax Law 575-b – All Otsego


Real Property Tax Law 575-b


Opposition Builds to Governor Hochul’s Part N Amendment

Opposition Builds to Governor Hochul’s Part N Amendment STAFF REPORTOTSEGO COUNTY In the days following the March 1 Otsego County Board of Representatives’ unanimous vote to send a letter of opposition to Governor Kathy Hochul’s proposed amendment to the state’s Real Property Tax Law 575-b, known as Part N, town boards across the county have begun to act in similar fashion. Following the county board’s vote, Cooperstown-based environmental organization Otsego 2000 mailed a model resolution to all 24 Otsego County…


Partial Observer: Fate of Home Rule, State Budget Now Depends on State Legislators

The Partial Observer: Adrian Kuzminski Fate of Home Rule, State Budget Now Depends on State Legislators On March 1, the Otsego County Board of Representatives stood up for their constituents in what could be an historic vote. In a welcome show of solidarity, the board voted unanimously to oppose key provisions of Governor Hochul’s proposed New York State budget for 2024, which would concentrate state power at local expense while trampling our constitutional right to home rule. This newspaper, reflecting…


Mellor: Otsego Board of Reps Made Right Decision

Letter from Wayne Mellor Otsego Board of Reps Made Right Decision Sustainable Otsego fully supports the Otsego County Board of Representatives’ unanimous vote to oppose three propositions in the proposed 2024 state budget, which would change Real Property Tax Law 575-b, part N. The first local, utility-scale, solar project was proposed for the Town of Laurens in 2019. In response, Sustainable Otsego’s position was that our communities and Otsego County need to benefit from the loss of our land to…