recreational marijuana – All Otsego


recreational marijuana


Pot Shops Becoming Issue Here

Pot Shops Becoming Issue Here By JIM KEVLIN • Special to Mac Benton Before reacting, the Village Board is waiting to see what the marijuana-legalization bill due to pass the state Legislature April 1 looks like. But Trustee Mac Benton, who brought the issue before the trustees at their monthly meeting Monday, March 22, is determined to push for pot-selling “storefronts” in Baseball’s mecca, seeing it as an economic-development opportunity too good to ignore. If the new law doesn’t…


Letter to the Editor: LEGAL POT? NY Should Beware Of Pitfalls

LEGAL POT? NY Should Beware Of Pitfalls Editor's Note: This appeared in YourAAA, the Jan./Feb. edition of the Automobile Association of America/Northeast. Our state Legislature may legalize recreational marijuana as soon as this month. The legalization of marijuana is gaining popularity within the U.S. A recent Gallup poll found that 66 percent of Americans support marijuana legalization. More than half the states have legalized marijuana use to some extent, whether it be for medicinal use with cannabis strains like this…