regional food bank of northeastern new york – All Otsego


regional food bank of northeastern new york


Matching Challenge Doubles Food Pantry Monetary Donations

Through the Cooperstown Food Pantry, Otsego County residents in need can receive a monthly distribution of food, including fresh produce, frozen meat, and fresh dairy. The pantry purchases food from the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York in Latham, Kleffner said, where they can get $10.00 worth of food for each $1.00 spent.…


Rotary Club Supports New Food Program for Cancer Patients

“This program would not run as effectively as it does without the expertise of the dietitians and nutritionists at Bassett Healthcare Network,” said Will Kleffner, director of the Cooperstown Food Pantry. “They give us the ability to medically-tailor the food we are providing to match each patient’s individual needs. We are thankful to them, to Cooperstown Rotary, and to every local community member who contributes to our mission at the pantry.”…


Responding to Food Insecurity, Pantry Launches Donor Campaign

“This increase in demand, driven by high prices for housing, food, and childcare, led the pantry’s Board to establish the Ellen’s Cupboard Society,” explained Will Kleffner, executive director of the Cooperstown Food Pantry. “We are seeking people who will help us achieve our mission to address poverty and hunger throughout Otsego County.”…


Ten Nonprofits Receive Grants from Rotary

The Rotary Club of Cooperstown has announced $5,000.00 in donations to the benefit of 10 area nonprofits. The Rotary Club of Cooperstown raises funds annually to donate to local nonprofits through its popular community events, including Fall Fling, the Election Day Pancake Day and the Spring Lawn Sale.…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Showing ‘Road To Perdition’ FILM SOCIETY – 7 p.m. Cooperstown film society presents ‘Road To Perdition’ (2002) with special guest Rabbit Goody , textile historian/weaver, discussing her work on this & other films. Cooperstown Village Library, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. Visit…