renewable energy – Page 2 – All Otsego


renewable energy - Page 2


WAYNE MELLOR: What’s the cost of zero-carbon energy

LETTER from WAYNE MELLOR What’s the cost of zero-carbon energy I received several thoughtful comments from our readers concerning the last column and would like to address them. The investment bank Lazard published the most recent Lazard’s “Levelized Cost of Energy and Storage” in late 2020. The comprehensive report includes all the costs of creating and storing a megawatt of power including land, construction, operating and maintenance. According to the Lazard report, new, unsubsidized utility scale power sources have the…


MELLOR: With renewable energy, details are key

LETTER from WAYNE MELLOR  With renewable energy, details are key New York state passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act in 2019. The law will propel New York towards a climate change friendly economy that will rely much less on burning fossil fuels for energy by 2050. Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan is ambitious. It calls for an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040, and 70% renewable energy by 2030. In 2020, New…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 Sustainable Energy Workshop ENERGY WORKSHOP – 6:30 – 8 p.m. Learn how homeowners can reduce energy bill, impact on environment in NYS with speakers from local organizations like Heat Smart Otsego, Revolution Solar, others. Refreshments available. Free, registration requested. Awestruck Cider, 8 Winkler Rd., Sidney. 607-282-4087 or visit CLICK FOR MORE HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO…


Big Guys Keep Little Guys From Thriving, Delgado Says

Big Guys Keep Little Guys From Thriving, Delgado Says By JENNIFER HILL  • Special to ONEONTA – Coming off a week of “Town Halls,” with students, small-business owners and farmers,  U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado,  D-19, said in a teleconference press briefing this morning that while there were “critically important” national issues, most people in his district want to know “how do we improve the area.” In discussing how to improve the area, Delgado often framed his responses in big…


Southside May Become Center of Renewable Energy

Town May Follow City’s Suit Southside Could Become Geothermal Energy Center Jay Egg, CEO, Geo Egg, inset photo, speaks about heating Southside Mall with geothermal energy at a packed Oneonta Town Board meeting this evening in West Oneonta, as Town Board member Randal Mowers listens.  “The writing is on the wall,” Egg said about future energy use.  Municipalities and counties like Westchester are already declaring moratoriums on expanding natural-gas use while the state is green-lighting renewable energy.  The Town of…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 Renewable Energy & Economic Development Panel Discussion ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – 7 – 9 p.m. Join panel to discuss Economic development, renewable energy possibilities, existing conservation/renewable energy programs, more with Karl Seeley professor of economics at Hartwick, Dan Butterman candidate for NYS Assembly district 121, Leslie Orzetti executive director Otsego County Conservation Association. Followed by Q&A session. Elm Park Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Visit…


ZAGATA: Renewables Not Ready To Replace Gas

Column by Mike Zagata for January 11, 2019 Renewables Not Ready To Replace Gas Those who oppose using fossil fuels to provide the bulk of our energy needs without offering viable alternatives are depriving this and future generations of job opportunities. When our country attempts to keep our illegal immigrants seeking to enter our country illegally in pursuit of jobs, Nancy Pelosi and those aligned with her call it “immoral”. What should we call doing that to our own citizens?…


Letter to the Editor: Natural Gas Part Of The Solution, Not Problem – Look At Germany

Natural Gas Part Of The Solution, Not Problem – Look At Germany To the Editor: Two reports and a conference warning that climate is warming due to human activity, i.e., greenhouse gases (GHG). This warming will “disrupt many areas of life,” affecting trade and precipitating conflicts. Let’s assume for the moment that the data warrants the conclusion – man-made GHGs are the cause of global warming. How do we solve this problem? What works? For smooth transitions to a less…


Letter to the Editor: Microgrid Idea Wrong Solution To Oneonta Challenges

Microgrid Idea Wrong Solution To Oneonta Challenges To the Editor: Albert Colone’s letter in your Dec. 20-21 editions suggested a “municipal microgrid” might be something the different factions in the energy discussion could all agree on. The letter touched on technical matters that deserve discussion. We need to understand that a “microgrid” refers to a local electric grid that can be isolated and continue to function for an extended period even when the larger grid goes down. Of course, the…