The Scriven Foundation's Otsego County Mini-Grant Program, Gov. Hochul's proposed Executive Budget, and Cornell Cooperative Extension's 2025 Parasite Fecal Analysis Roadshow are among the topics covered in this week's briefs.…
The Scriven Foundation's Otsego County Mini-Grant Program, Gov. Hochul's proposed Executive Budget, and Cornell Cooperative Extension's 2025 Parasite Fecal Analysis Roadshow are among the topics covered in this week's briefs.…
A new column on, spring workshops at Fenimore Farm and Country Village, upcoming blood drives and spring enrollment for the Cooperstown Children's Choir are among the topics in this week's news briefs.…
The next meeting of the Fly Creek Area Historical Society, a call for young artists, Hartwick's Hardy Chair Lecture and Cooperstown Central School sports results are among the topics covered in this week's briefs.…
A free Fenimore Chamber Orchestra concert and Cakewalk Benefit, introductory watercolor classes at the Cooperstown Art Association, a call for vendors for the 16th annual Fishing and Heritage Day, and the annual Winter Carnival Book Sale are among the topics covered in this week's news briefs.…
Program administrator opportunities from New York State Ag and Markets, a warning about holiday scams and kudos to SUNY Delhi for student voting efforts are among today's news briefs.…
Book signings this Sunday by Dana and Libby Cudmore, a call for submissions from Glimmer Globe Theatre, a new state grant for food producers, processors and distributors, and "Miracles" at the Art Garage are among the topics covered in this week's news briefs.…
The "Risk Less, Do More" campaign, estate planning with the Community Foundation for South Central New York, small business optimism and the Advanced Clean Truck regulations are among the topics covered.…
This weekend's Tractor Fest at The Farmers' Museum and a talk on the ins and outs of probate on October 16 are among topics discussed in today's news briefs.…
State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball urged New York horse owners to vaccinate their animals against Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus, both of which are spread by mosquitoes. This year, cases of EEE have been found in Clinton, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Washington, Madison, Oneida, Orange, Ulster, Cayuga and Wayne counties. There has been one confirmed equine case of WNV in Oswego County.…
Soil testing is a quick and accurate method to determine the relative acidity of the soil and the level of several essential nutrients, as well as the presence of heavy metals, and the results can be a helpful tool for farmers and gardeners in determining plant selection, soil preparation, and fertilization to optimize the growth of their crops.…