
Richard Sternberrg


STERNBERG: AFB Vaccine: It’s the Bee’s Knees

Life in the time of COVID AFB Vaccine: It’s the Bee’s Knees The announcement of probably the most important medical breakthrough of this year was made on January 7. It had nothing to do with COVID. In fact, it had nothing to do with human diseases. Dalan Animal Health, a company in Georgia, announced that they had successfully produced a vaccine to protect bees from a disease called American Foulbrood which had been conditionally approved by the U.S. Food and…


STERNBERG: Social Distancing Works – Do It!

LIFE IN TIME OF COVID-19 Social Distancing Works – Do It! By RICHARD STERNBERG • Special to One and one-half weeks ago Otsego County, as part of the Mohawk Valley Region, was allowed to begin reopening following almost two months of lockdown to try and prevent the spread and decrease the incidence of COVID-19. Reopening is something desired by pretty much everyone. As long as all reasonable measures would be taken to prevent further spread and it is reasonable,…