Rick Brockway – All Otsego


Rick Brockway


Century Old Barn Finds New Home

One Man’s History, Another Man’s Treasure Century Old Barn Finds New Home By JOE TOPPE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com It was 1897, the same year Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” was published and a gold rush lured scores of prospectors to the Klondike. Here in Otsego County, Rick Brockway’s great-great grandfather Jesse was driving the final nails into his West Laurens’ dairy barn. Now, more than 50 years since the family used the barn for farming, only the structure’s frame is worth…


County Board Rematch Emerging In District 3

County Board Rematch Emerging In District 3 Ogden Plans Challenge To Brockway By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com LAURENS – A rematch is shaping up this fall in the race for the county Board of Representatives’ District 3. As they did in 2019, Democrat Caitlin Ogden, Laurens, will again face Republican Rick Brockway, West Laurens, to represent the towns of Laurens and Otego. “I am running to give the people of Laurens and Otego the representation on the county…


Capitol Attack, Riot Resolutions Passed Routinely – Then, Oops!

Capitol Attack, Riot Resolutions Passed Routinely – Then, Oops! By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – After last month’s hour-long fiery debate at the county board meeting over resolutions expressing contrary views on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, both resolutions went through routinely at today’s meeting as part of the consent agenda. Well, almost. County Rep. Rick Brockway, on Zoom from his West Laurens home, answered a question his wife was relaying to him from…


WHELAN: These Facts Correct: Guns Are Killing Us

LETTER from MARY ANNE WHELAN, MD These Facts Correct: Guns Are Killing Us To the Editor: In his most recent letters to the editor on the subject of gun regulation, Mr. Brockway seems to have the shoe on the wrong foot when it comes to factual statements, a particularly bad error for a blacksmith. In addition to his past claims that the Democratic presidential candidates all wanted to take your guns away, which he surely knew to be false –…


Petitions Signed By 3,295 Seek Gun Sanctuary

CLICK HERE FOR 2AS STATEMENT Petitions Signed By 3,295 Seek Gun Sanctuary Chairman Bliss Refers Issue To Public Safety Committee By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The Otsego 2AS movement arrived this morning in the county Board of Representatives’ chambers. County Rep. Rick Brockway, R-West Laurens, presented petitions on 2AS’ behalf with 3,295 signatures calling on the county board to declare Otsego County a gun-law sanctuary, where the state’s SAFE Act, consider one of the toughest such laws…


MOSS: Sandy Hook Memories Still Resonate

LETTER from SUSAN MOSS Sandy Hook Memories Still Resonate To the Editor: I remember the moment when I first heard about the shooting of first graders in Newtown, Conn. I was driving home from work, on a back road between Cooperstown and Oneonta. My immediate and natural response was to pull over, get out of my car and scream “My God, 6-year-olds! What is happening in this country?” The outrage and pain of it was overwhelming. I can’t even imagine…


BROCKWAY: Guns Park Of Otsego County Heritage

LETTER from RICK BROCKWAY Firearms Are Part Of Otsego County Heritage To the Editor: In last week’s edition of this newspaper, Larry Bennett stated his opinion of me and the Second Amendment sanctuary movement here in Otsego County.  Let’s face it: Mr. Bennett is not native to the area and does not understand the people of rural, Upstate New York.  In my opinion, he also has limited knowledge of the law, especially the Constitution of the United States. Mr. Bennett…


Social Media Buoys Gun Sanctuary Idea

Reprinted From Hometown Oneonta & Freeman’s Journal Social Media Buoys Gun Sanctuary Idea New County Rep Brockway Finds Proposal Going Viral By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – A Facebook Group aimed at making Otsego County a “Sanctuary for the Second Amendment” is picking up momentum. On Dec. 20, an active hunter and gun owner, Kaleb White of Oneonta, created the “2A Otsego County Sanctuary Group” on the popular social media platform. In just over a week, more than…


Social Media Buoys Gun Sanctuary Idea

THE GOAL: IGNORE NY ‘SAFE LAW’ Social Media Buoys Gun Sanctuary Idea New County Rep Brockway Finds Proposal Going Viral By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – A Facebook Group aimed at making Otsego County a “Sanctuary for the Second Amendment” is picking up momentum. On Dec. 20, an active hunter and gun owner, Kaleb White of Oneonta, created the “2A Otsego County Sanctuary Group” on the popular social media platform. In just over a week, more than 800…


Outdoorsman Rick Brockway Brings Sportsman’s Sensibility

NEW FACES AT 197 MAIN ST. Outdoorsman Rick Brockway Brings Sportsman’s Sensibility Editor’s Note: This is the second of three profiles on newcomers will be joining the Otsego County Board of Representatives on Jan 1.  Next week: Clark Oliver. By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special To www.AllOTSEGO.com LAURENS — An avowed conservative and lover of the outdoors, Rick Brockway hopes to bring that outlook to the Otsego County Board of Representatives. For instance, as a long-time gun owner, the new District 3…