rodney thorsland – All Otsego


rodney thorsland


Patrons, Past and Present Flock to Beloved, Newly Opened Nick’s Diner

Patrons Past, Present, Flock To ‘New’ Nick’s Diner Open 2 Days to Packed Houses By JENNIFER HILL  • Special to ONEONTA – A legend has been reborn – and it’s packed. After four years of renovating and rebuilding, Nick’s Diner opened at 6 a.m. last Thursday with little publicity.  But word of the diner, beloved from its founding in 1927 to when it closed in 2013 – and sorely missed after it that – spread quickly. “By 7:30 to…


Nick’s Diner Slated To Re-Open in January

New Owner To Reopen Nick’s Diner In January By JENNIFER HILL • Special to ONEONTA – Whether you’re in the mood for a classic porkchop dinner, some classic Italian fare or even a pizza to take to a party, Nick’s Diner will soon have you covered. Under the new ownership of Rodney Thorsland, the rennovated West End establishment is slated to open in early January. “The idea has always been to preserve it, to upgrade it, but have it…


Council Approves Nick’s Application

City Council OKs Nick’s Diner Plan $230K CDBG Application Albany-Bound By PARKER FISH • Special To ONEONTA – The audience filled the seats and spilled out into the hallway as the Common Council again debated, then approved Nick’s Diner’s application for a $230,000 CDBG grant. The vote enables Nick’s prospective owner Rodney Thorsland’s to submit the application to Albany for its approval. Thorsland’s request has been hotly debated in the past three Common Council meetings, with several community members…