roe v wade – All Otsego


roe v wade


Letters to the Editor

This week’s Letters to the Editor Liberty wept Based on Alito’s opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson, any personal right that was not enumerated in 1866 when the 14th Amendment was written is not protected. Alito implied his reasoning applied only to abortion. But in his concurrence, Justice Thomas pointed out that the Dobbs precedent would apply to other practices, including same-sex marriage and contraception, birth control pills. In Dobbs, reactionary Catholics on the Supreme Court applied Catholic theology to American law,…


WORMUTH: Roe V. Wade

Letter from Tim Wormuth Roe V. Wade A letter was recently submitted stating that abortion is a constitutional right. Nowhere in the Constitution, nor any other founding document for that matter, is there given a right to murder. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Life is…


NORTHRUP: A constitutional right to abort

Letter from Chip Northrup A constitutional right to abort Justice Alito’s opinion is based on the fact that the right to abort is not mentioned in the Constitution. Guess what, no womens’ rights, either natural, such as the right to abort, or political, such as the right to vote, are mentioned in the Constitution. But every state that ratified the Constitution allowed a woman the right to abort — as a natural right.…


Women’s reproductive rights rally encourages community involvement

Women’s reproductive rights rally encourages community involvement By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to ONEONTA — About 100 people gathered in Muller Plaza at a rally for women’s reproductive rights Saturday, Oct. 2. The rally coincided with the Women’s March happening across the country as thousands marched in support of Roe v. Wade. The event featured music and speakers as well as pizza and lemonade. The looming issue throughout the rally was the harsh Texas anti-abortion laws barring abortions at…