Romona Wenck – All Otsego


Romona Wenck


Schools reopen, protocols in place

Schools reopen, protocols in place School districts in Otsego County reopened on Monday, January 3, amid a continuing rise in COVID-19 cases throughout the country, with the Omicron variant chiefly responsible. But the response from the various superintendents was to stay the course and continue protocols that work for them, including guidelines such as mask wearing and social distancing. Cooperstown Central School Superintendent Sarah Spross said district protocol last changed in mid-December, with layered mitigation strategies provided by the Centers…


Cooperstown Elementary Returns To Virtual After Staff Tests Positive

NO CLASSES UNTIL MONDAY Staffer ‘Positive,’ CCS Elementary Sends Kids Home COOPERSTOWN – After an elementary school staff member tested positive for COVID-19, all K-6 students at Cooperstown Elementary School were sent home today for the rest of the week. In a letter sent out to parents, Interim Superintendent Romona Wenck, said as second staff member was identified as having “close contact” with the first. Additionally, three students were also identified as being close contacts, Wenck wrote.…


Laurens Superintendent To Fill Interim Position At Cooperstown Central

READ PROFILE OF CCS INTERIM SUPER Laurens Superintendent To Fill Interim Position At Cooperstown Central Romona Wenck Begins Duties On Oct. 1 By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Bill Crankshaw will be leaving Cooperstown’s school superintendent post Sept. 30.  On Oct. 1, he will be succeeded as interim super by Romona N. Wenck, who retired last summer from Laurens Central as the longest-serving superintendent in Otsego County. “We’re very fortunate to have her,” said CCS board President…