Roxanne Murray – All Otsego


Roxanne Murray


Historic Cemeteries Receive Restoration Help from CFOC

“In our cemeteries are the stories of the people who built Otsego County, who had vision and acted upon it, despite, I have no doubt, people telling them their ideas wouldn’t work or were pipe dreams. Again, people fought a revolution! Imagine if they had listened to [those] who told them they’d never succeed. “This is the Otsego County history we should have in mind when we think about our present and future,” Katz emphasized.…

With Stars, DAR Tells Soldiers, Sailors They’re Remembered

With Stars, DAR Tells Soldiers, Sailors They’re Remembered By LIBBY CUDMORE • Edition of Thursday-Friday Dec. 25-26, 2014 WORCESTER While Roxanne Murray was teaching second grade at Cooperstown Central School, she always did a program on Veteran’s Day with her class. But after retiring in 2012, she was still looking for a way to honor the troops. “I was at a Daughters of the American Revolution function, and I was talking to a woman about this program I’d heard…