Schenevus Central School – All Otsego


Schenevus Central School


Miskell: School Needs To Do Better

On October 26, 2023, I received messages from multiple friends of a screenshot of a letter that was posted on the Schenevus Central School Facebook page. It was posted around 12:15 p.m. and stated, “This morning, it was determined that there was a potential threat in our school building. The matter was dealt with and turned over to the NYS police….”…

Happenin’ Otsego: 11-02-23

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Arts & Crafts with the Springfield Library MAKER CLUB—10 a.m. Bring your art, crochet, sewing, knit or other handwork project to chat, share and enjoy making. Held each 1st and 3rd Thursday. Springfield Library, 129 County Road 29A, Springfield Center. (315) 858-5802 or visit BLOOD DRIVE—2-6 p.m. Schenevus Central School, 159 Main Street, Schenevus.…


Schenevus Students Enjoy Surprise Visit

U.S. Navy Cmdr. Matthew Mravlja and helicopter crew members address students at Schenevus Central School during a recent visit. (Photo provided) Schenevus Students Enjoy Surprise Visit Former Student Flies in with Navy Helicopters, Crew SCHENEVUS—On Friday, April 21, Schenevus Central School students and staff waited eagerly outside as two Navy helicopters arrived and landed on the softball field.  Matthew Mravlja, commanding officer of the Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron-26 “Chargers” and a former SCS student, flew in from Virginia with two Navy…


Miskell: Mysterious Letter Has Taxpayer Wondering

Letter from Nicole Miskell Mysterious Letter Has Taxpayer Wondering On Monday April 17, 2023, I was sent a screenshot of a letter that Schenevus Central School sent home with a child. The letter states that there is a special event on Friday April 21, 2023. The school parking lot will be closing at noon that day, the letter says. The event will begin between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. The event may run later than the 2:45 dismissal time; they…


Revote Petition Filed Dec. 2

Revote Petition Filed Dec. 2 A petition calling for a revote on the Schenevus/Worcester school district merger was submitted on December 2 by Schenevus resident Nicole Miskell. The hard-copy petition was given by Miskell to Dr. Catherine Huber, district superintendent at the Otsego Northern Catskills BOCES office in Milford.…


Former Supervisor Sets Record Straight, Reflects on Future

Former Supervisor Sets Record Straight, Reflects on Future Merger Revote Petition Filed By DARLA M. YOUNGSSCHENEVUS Schenevus Central School District Superintendent Theresa Carlin resigned during a special Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, December 27, effective December 31. Carlin stepped down just over a year after Schenevus taxpayers voted against a proposed merger with Worcester Central School. The merger had been approved in a straw vote held by both districts in September 2021, but Schenevus residents ultimately opposed the merger…

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