school lunch: unpacking our shared stories – All Otsego


school lunch: unpacking our shared stories


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Author discusses ‘School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories’ 02-13-22

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Author discusses ‘School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories’ SUNDAY SPEAKER – 3 – 4 p.m. Lucy Schaeffer, CCS alumna and author, will speak about her new book, ‘School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories.’ Registration required. Presented by The Friends of the Village Library of Cooperstown. Visit…


Coop alum, Schaeffer, releases book about school lunch

Coop alum, Schaeffer, releases book about school lunch By Chad G. Welch • Special to Cooperstown Central School 1994 graduate Lucy Schaeffer’s first book, “School Lunch-Unpacking Our Shared Stories,” released Tuesday, Aug. 3. The book pairs Schaeffer’s photographs with 70 different lunch stories “from people age six to 93; hailing from 25 different countries and all across the United States,” Schaeffer said in the book’s introduction. Schaeffer’s subjects include family members, friends, celebrities and strangers. Schaeffer said all of…