


Views From Around The State: August 12, 2021

Views From Around The State August 12, 2021 From: The Albany Times Union Editorial Board One could almost detect a faint “nyah-nyah” between the lines of last Thursday’s announcement that, now that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost his sweeping pandemic emergency powers, school districts are on their own when it comes to reopening in September. So there. Health Commissioner Howard Zucker didn’t put it quite that way, of course. Instead, he couched his abdication of duty in more bureaucratic terms,…


Dissatisfied With Q&A, CCS Parents Petitioning For In-Person Briefing

CLICK HERE FOR PETITION Dissatisfied With Q&A, CCS Parents Petitioning For In-Person Briefing COOPERSTOWN – Dissatisfied with last week’s three briefings convened via Zoom last week by the Cooperstown Central School administration, a group of parents is circulating a petition for  an in-person meeting. The petition is seeking an in-person meeting – perhaps in an outdoors setting, with reservations to ensure social distancing – where administrators and the school board can answer parents’ questions face-to-face.…


Statewide, COVID Rates Low Enough To Open All Schools

LISTEN TO GOVERNOR’S REMARKS Statewide, COVID Rates Low Enough To Open All Schools Locally, Districts Must Organize Briefings For Parents, Teachers ALBANY – All of New York State’s 10 regions – Otsego County’s Mohawk Valley region included – have low enough infection rates to reopen this fall, but how to do so will be up to local schools, as reflected in plans developed locally, Governor Cuomo announced in a conference call this morning. “Based on our infection rate,” Cuomo said,…