
Sharon Stuart - Page 28


BOUND VOLUMES: November 12, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES November 12, 2020 200 YEARS AGO We are indebted to the politeness of Mr. Luca, the Deputy Marshal authorized to take the Census of this County, for the following statement of the population of this Village (Cooperstown): 371 Free White Males; 387 Free White Females; 1 Male Slave; 2 Female Slaves; 6 Free Colored Males; 16 Free Colored Females; Total population 783. Female Fashion: The Weatherfield Grass Bonnet, which obtained a premium at the Hartford Fair, has been…


BOUND VOLUMES: November 5, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES November 5, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Comments upon remarks made in response to an address by the Hon. Daniel Webster: “In the course of his remarks, Mr. W. stated, that since the commencement of the government, there had been paid into the Treasury through the Custom House, 350,000,000, while only $35,000,000 had been received from other sources, and that with much discontent. It was not the ship owner or ship builder merely, who had affected so much, but…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: November 5, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY November 5, 2020 150 Years Ago Oneonta Local: Heavy white frost covers the ground these mornings. Another new engine, the “Schoharie” came up the road on Monday last. Jay McDonald has commenced the new home of  Albert Morris on Walnut Street which is to be pushed, until it is done. C.H. Bundy of New Lisbon has erected and nearly finished a fine dwelling for Erastus Walling, on Oneonta Creek, It is by far the best house in the…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: October 29, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY October 29, 2020 150 Years Ago Railroad Items – D.M. Greene chief engineer of the Troy & Susquehanna road, and C.W. Wentz, chief engineer of the Albany & Susquehanna road, were thrown from a carriage near Albany one day last week. Mr. Wentz sustained severe injuries. Shaul & Curtis will open a new livery establishment in this village in a short time with horses and rigs fully up to the times. Shaul and Curtis have also rented the…


BOUND VOLUMES: October 29, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES October 29, 2020 200 YEARS AGO “Presidential Election” as copied from “The National Intelligencer” – The election of the President and Vice-President of the United States comes on with so gentle an aspect, and with a step so light, that its approach is scarcely noticed. It is a circumstance certainly which ought to give much satisfaction that a period has arrived, for the second time under this government, when an individual has administered the duties of the office…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: October 22, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY October 22, 2020 150 Years Ago H.L. Luther and M.H. Bissell are barreling their stock of eggs for shipment to market. Luther has about 600 barrels and Bissell 350 barrels. The barrels hold from 70 to 75 dozen each, packed in cut straw. The business is increasing and will be pushed with great energy next season. Farmers can count their eggs a standard cash article with a sure market at a good price. Feed liberally, give good shelter,…


BOUND VOLUMES: October 22, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES October 22, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Dispatch From New Orleans – The fever raging here is equal to the plague of the Barbary States. Not more than one out of ten of the newcomers who have had the temerity to remain here this season, has escaped death and the disease has been uncommonly rapid. From four to six days have been the extent of life after the patient was attacked. The number of deaths for the last week…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: October 15, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY October 15, 2020 150 Years Ago The complete census returns of Otsego County give the population at 43,982, an increase of 1,344 in five years. Harvey Baker has commenced building another house on Baker Street. Welcome Parish and Wm, Mickle have commenced building new houses on Centre Street. Others will soon follow. At the annual meeting of the Union Graded School, on Tuesday evening, W.W. Alton and S. Sullivan were elected Trustees for three years and N.I. Ford…


BOUND VOLUMES: October 15, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES October 15, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Advertisement – Six Cents Reward – Runaway from the service of the Subscriber on September 28 last, a black boy named Sanders. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting said boy on my account. Six cents will be given for his apprehension and return to me, but no charges please. Springfield, October 7, 1820. Advertisement – Five Cents Reward. Runaway from the service of the Subscriber on the sixth, inst., an…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: October 8, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY October 8, 2020 150 Years Ago The Oneonta Post Office is open for business from 7 o’clock a.m. to 8 o’clock p.m. On Sunday, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. and half an hour at Noon. Mails close as follows: First Railroad Mail East: 10 a.m.; Second Railroad Mail East: 4:10 p.m.; First Railroad Mail West: 11:15 a.m.; Mails for Morris Route: 11:30 a.m.; Mails for Laurens Route: 11:30 a.m.; Mail for Delhi via North Franklin, Tri-Weekly: 11:30 a.m.…