
Sharon Stuart - Page 29


BOUND VOLUMES: October 8, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES October 8, 2020 200 YEARS AGO The elephant Horatio has died. On dissection, his spine was found to be split and much fractured. The losses sustained by the owners, amounts to $18,000 or $20,000. It is said that when M. Robbin, the late owner, revisited the elephant after a long absence, this noble animal manifested the utmost joy at the sight of his old master. A girl, about 10 years of age, a native of the United States,…



HOMETOWN HISTORY October 1, 2020 150 Years Ago Oneonta: T.D. Watkins has been surveying and laying out streets and lots on his farm west of Chestnut Street. W.W. Alton has bought the first building lot west of T.D. Watkins on Chestnut Street. This means another nice new house and that Alton has come to stay. Almost every day persons are inquiring for houses to let and for building lots. Persons who wish to rent or sell should advertise so that…



BOUND VOLUMES October 1, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Monument to General Jackson – The City Council of New Orleans passed a resolution for the appropriation of the sum of 50,000 dollars to defray the expense of erecting an equestrian statue of General Andrew Jackson, in the public square in front of the Cathedral church. It is intended that the statue shall be executed by Canova, the Roman sculptor, the most celebrated artist of the age and that it shall be…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: September 24, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY September 24, 2020 150 Years Ago Court Proceedings: At the Circuit Court last week at Cooperstown, Hon. Wm. Murray presiding, the following was tried: Charles E. Winn vs. James M. Winn. Action: To Recover Horse. The parties both reside in Oneonta. The horse was taken up and detained by defendant under the highway act of 1867. The plaintiff claimed the law to be unconstitutional. The court held otherwise and directed a verdict for the defendant. S.S. Burnside and…


BOUND VOLUMES: September 24, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES September 24, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Distressing calamity – Between three and four o’clock on Tuesday morning last, the family of Mr. Oliver Bentley of Plainfield in this County, were awakened from their sleep, by being nearly suffocated with smoke, and found their dwelling, a two-story house, in flames. The fire had progressed so far, that every effort to arrest its progress was useless. They therefore strove only to save themselves, and succeeded except for Mr. Bentley, aged…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: September 10, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY September 10, 2020 150 Years Ago Local: A large number of seedy tramps of both sexes pass through this county daily. They are not afraid of padlocks and manage to get into cellars and outhouses with but little difficulty. Farmers had better rub the rust from their guns. L.H. Blend has the contracts for erecting elegant new houses for A.C. Moody and E.M. Vosburgh on Elm Street. The houses will be nearly alike and built on adjoining lots…


BOUND VOLUMES: September 3, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES September 3, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Science – To witness the steady march of science in our country cannot but excite emotions of satisfaction in the mind of every true friend of literature. Nations, both ancient and modern, have received their rank on the historian’s page, not from the number of kingdoms desolated, the victories achieved or the extent of territory acquired, but from the aid they have furnished for the advancement of science. We see that science,…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: September 3, 2020

HOMETOWN HISTORY September 3, 2020 150 Years Ago Oneonta and Area Items – Quoit pitching seems to be the popular game at the depot. Just received at the Crockery Store of J. B. Roberts, some fine plums and delicious grapes. The rain of Saturday night raised the brook on Dietz Street – the first it has run this summer. Our thanks is due to A.A. Whitcomb for a quantity of large tomatoes. A young man named John Bonfoy, who has…


Century-Old Ideals About Womanhood Bring Groans Today

SUSAN B. ANTHONY EXPLORED Century-Old Ideals About Womanhood Bring Groans Today By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Digging through the NYSHA archives in 2004, Sharon Stuart, Otsego town historian, found an item that everyone else overlooked. “As I was looking through February 1885 issues of The Freeman’s Journal, a name caught my eye,” Stewart said during a Sunday, Aug. 9, talk at the Swart-Wilcox House, “Susan B. Anthony.” Stuart’s talk on Anthony – she also spoke in 1894…