Strategic Investment Plan – All Otsego


Strategic Investment Plan


LPC Finalizes NY Forward Priority List

The final Priority Project Slate includes the Small Projects Fund, six public improvement initiatives and five private development/rehabilitation projects. Representatives from project lead Laberge Group guided LPC members through a final overview of the proposals under consideration, following which those proposals were identified as either “priority projects” or “pipeline projects”—those with potential but not quite ready yet—to be considered later in accordance with the NY Forward guidelines.…


Next NY Forward Meeting Set for August 23

The Local Planning Committee for the Cooperstown New York Forward program will hold its third meeting on Wednesday, August 23 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Cooperstown Village Hall, 22 Main Street. The meeting is open to observers from the public, with an opportunity for public comment.…


The Partial Observer: Saving Main Street Possible with NY Forward

The Partial Observer by James Dean Saving Main Street Possiblewith NY Forward The $4.5 million NY Forward grant is another great accomplishment by the Village of Cooperstown’s Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh, Deputy Mayor Cindy Falk, the village board and administration, and other major, local, participants. The sustained, upward trajectory of multiple multi-million dollar grant accomplishments began when Jeff Katz was first elected mayor of Cooperstown in 2012. Village trustees Ellen Tillapaugh and Cindy Falk were there from day one of Cooperstown’s…