suicide attempt – All Otsego


suicide attempt


ATWELL: Minnie Undrowned Again

LETTER from JIM ATWELL Minnie Undrowned Again Grandma hung up the telephone. “Mrs. Halpine from down the street. She’s forwarding a message from your Grandpa and Uncle Tom.” “They’re standing on the pier with boat hooks snagged in Minnie Frederick’s coat collar, holding her head above water. She’s screeching protests.” Grandma gave a snort. “I’d say, let her sink! Minnie puts on this show every November. Well, let’s see how she does without an audience!”…


Village Officers Foil Attempted Suicide

Village Officers Foil Attempted Suicide Bleeding Victim Transported In Cruiser To Bassett Hospital COOPERSTOWN – Worried an ambulance might not arrive in time, Village Police officers last week transported an attempted suicide victim to Bassett Hospital in their police cruiser, gaining the praise of Chief Frank Cavalieri. “The quick thinking and effort shown to preserve the subject’s life displayed by these officers were vital to saving the victim’s life,” said Cavalieri.  “This effort, I believe, demonstrates the dedication, integrity and…