sunday speaker – All Otsego


sunday speaker



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Autumn Concert ‘Diversions’ With The Catskill Valley Wind Ensemble AUTUMN CONCERT—3 p.m. The Catskill Valley Wind Ensemble presents their Fall Concert. The theme is “Diversions” and will be conducted by Andrew Pease and Amy Hoxie. Free, open to the public. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Visit BE AN ANGEL – The Angel Tree Program has returned. The community is invited to adopt a family and then find Christmas gifts for each of the children…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Sunday Theatrical Productions 03-20-22

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, MARCH 20 Sunday Theatrical Productions SENIOR PLAY – 2 p.m. CCS Junior Senior class presents ‘Puffs’ about 7 increasingly eventful years at a certain school of magic and magic. Cost, $5 at the door. Cooperstown Central School. 607-547-8181 or visit THEATER – 3 p.m. The 2022 NEXT! Staged Readings of New Works by Regional Playwrights series continues with ‘Fall: The Tragedy of the Faerie Queen and Her Councillors’ by Joseph Scott, in which a premature…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Author discusses ‘School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories’ 02-13-22

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Author discusses ‘School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories’ SUNDAY SPEAKER – 3 – 4 p.m. Lucy Schaeffer, CCS alumna and author, will speak about her new book, ‘School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories.’ Registration required. Presented by The Friends of the Village Library of Cooperstown. Visit…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Discuss Long COVID with the Doctor 10-17-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 Discuss Long COVID with the Doctor SUNDAY SPEAKER – 3 p.m. Join the Friends of the Village Library and Dr. Loftus to discuss ‘long Covid’ and other complications faced by survivors of mild or asymptomatic COVID infections. Find out how common these are, the causes, and if they are preventable. Registration required. Cooperstown Village Library. Visit to register.…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Learn About Fenimore Exhibit ‘Keith Haring: His Art and Times’ 05-16-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, MAY 16 Learn About Fenimore Exhibit ‘Keith Haring: His Art and Times’ SUNDAY SPEAKER – 3 p.m. Learn about recently opened Fenimore Art Museum exhibit “Keith Haring: His Art and Times” from Chris Rossi, Director of Exhibitions & Gary Cassinelli, collector and owner of artworks in the exhibit.Free, registration required. Visit…