Susan Lettis – All Otsego


Susan Lettis


Plantings Spruce Up Main Street in Time for Parade

Gabby Milewczik and Susan Lettis look on as Kathy Varadi plants spring flowers in downtown Oneonta. (Photo by Marcia Kozubek) Plantings Spruce Up Main Streetin Time for Parade By MARCIA KOZUBEKONEONTA The annual Memorial Day parade has been a point of community pride in Oneonta, but empty planters downtown have had a lackluster appearance. Complaints about the vacant garden plots caught the attention of Susan Lettis, a member of the Oneonta Federated Garden Club. She said while the club remains…


GOP Committee Deciding On Next County Judge

MEETING UNDERWAY AT OTESAGA GOP Committee Deciding On Next County Judge The six candidates for Otsego county judge gathered a few minutes ago in The Otesaga Ballroom in Cooperstown, where deliberations are underway at this hour on who will succeed Brian D. Burns of Oneonta on the county bench. All attorneys, the candidates, from left, are Rich Brown, Mike Getman, Susan Lettis, Jill Ghaleb, Mike Trosset and Will Green. Inset right, County Republican Chairman Vince Casale calls the meeting of…


6 GOP Lawyers Surface To Run For County Court

6 GOP Lawyers Surface To Run For County Court First, Burns Must Win Nod For State Supreme Vacancy By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Attorney Michael E. Trosset, Cooperstown, who announced Friday afternoon he is seeking to succeed Brian D. Burns of Oneonta as Otsego County judge, has a lot of company. County Republican Chair Vince Casale said a few minutes ago that, in addition to Trosset, five other lawyers have contacted him about succeeding Burns. They are,…