Syracuse – All Otsego




McCartney column

We saw him standing there Commentary: Ted Potrikus Fair warning: I’m about to go large on the name-dropping thing. My wife, Angie, and I drove to Syracuse last weekend to see Paul McCartney in concert. We’re big Paul fans – our first date, in fact, in London, England, in November 1984 — was to see his not-great movie “Give My Regards To Broad Street” not long after its premier. The guy turns 80 years old in two weeks. Eight-zero. If…


Opinion by Timothy Peters: Public Radio Otsego

Opinion by Timothy Peters Public Radio Otsego Most Freeman’s Journal readers of a certain vintage have fond memories of radio stations from their youth, usually the pop stations that provided the proverbial “soundtrack of our lives.” Until the late 1970s, public radio programming consisted largely of classical music, with scholarly announcers flaunting their German and reciting the serial numbers of the recordings they played. Often, these stations offered eccentric and creative free-form programs as well. Jack Nicholson played such a…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Final Music on the Meadow 08-30-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, AUGUST 30 Final Music on the Meadow MUSIC ON THE MEADOW – 7 p.m. Come out for the final performance of the Tom Hovey Summer Music Festival with music by Lauren Mettler. Bring a chair and blanket, sit in your car, or roam the trails. Enjoy a relaxing evening out. Meadowlinks Golf Course, 476 Co. Rd. 27, Richfield Springs. 607-432-4026 or visit…


Cooperstown’s Ubner wins multiple player of the year awards

Cooperstown’s Ubner wins multiple player of the year awards STAFF REPORT • Special to Cooperstown’s Chris Ubner swept a series of baseball award announced last week. Ubner shared the Most Valuable Player Award from the Center State Conference Division II, with teammate Kendall Haney. Ubner also won Player of the Year Awards from two Upstate newspapers, the Utica Observer-Dispatch and the Syracuse Herald. Haney was named to the Syracuse All-Star team as well. Ubner’s Utica announcement carried the biggest…


Appointments Available: Syracuse Special State Site

COVID VACCINATION CENTRAL Appointments Available: Syracuse Special State Site Click Here For ‘Am I Eligible’ App Editor’s Note: will seek to keep you up to date on the availability of vaccinations against COVID-19.  We will strive to update our information at noon daily. As of noon today, the only two  New York State special sites still accepting appointments from citizens 65 and over is in Potsdam and Syracuse. According to the NYS website, “The Federal Government determines how much…


Nutmobile Syracuse-Bound,  Maybe

Nutmobile Syracuse-Bound,  Maybe COOPERSTOWN – During a work break, Cathy Elias of Kansas, formerly of New York State, advised us to take a look here. According to “The Nutmobile Tracker,” the giant peanut on wheels is headed for an engagement in Syracuse.  Maybe that’s why it’s in Cooperstown.…


Impromptu Pep Rally Cheers Teams To Semis

CCS BOYS, GIRLS PLAY TODAY Impromptu Pep Rally Cheers Teams To Semis Wendy Kiuber, right, (mom of Lady Hawkeye Ashley) and Colleen Donnelly, center, (mom of Kate) cheer their daughters’ team bus (inset) as it passes by the Trosset Law Offices shortly after 10 a.m. today en route to the Section III, Class C semifinals at Onondaga Community College.  Attorney Mike Trosset, left, whose CCS team made it to the state semifinals in the 1990s, organized the impromptu pep rally…