taylor hendrickson – All Otsego


taylor hendrickson


Locals: People and Businesses in the News

Locals: People and Businesses in the News RIVER RAMBLE: United University Professions Oneonta members and guests enjoyed a Susquehanna River paddle on September 23. The event was recreational and non-competitive, with paddlers traveling as a group at an easy pace. UUP Oneonta Secretary Bill Simons said of the event, “Beyond the adventure of the river, the event provided a good venue for building union solidarity. And it was fun.” Next year, Simons said in an e-mail, he would like to…


SUNY Student Raising Campus’ First Guiding Eyes for the Blind Puppy

SUNY Student Raising Campus’ First Guiding Eyes for the Blind Puppy ONEONTAThere’s a new student living and learning on SUNY Oneonta’s campus, but he weighs just 27 pounds…and has paws.Ink, a 4-month-old black Labrador retriever puppy, is making history at SUNY Oneonta as the first puppy to be raised on campus for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, a nonprofit organization that provides guide dogs to people experiencing vision loss. His puppy raiser, and roommate, is junior anthropology major Taylor Hendrickson,…