Teachout – All Otsego




Teachout, Faso Debate Reprises Outsider Vs. Insider Discussion

Teachout, Faso Debate Reprises Outsider Vs. Insider Discussion TROY — Thursday night’s debate between Zephyr Teachout and John Faso largely mirrored the first encounter between the two congressional candidates, reprising themes of the outsider versus the insider, the carpetbagger versus the faithful local, Politico is reporting. CLICK HERE TO WATCH TEACHOUT-FASO DEBATE…


Follow Teachout, Faso Debate Livestreaming From Troy

Follow Teachout, Faso Debate Livestreaming From Troy Site The candidates in the 19th Congressional District that includes Otsego County will debate at 8 p.m. today. Republican John Faso and Democrat Zephyr Teachout, who are running to succeed U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson, will be facing off at the Rensselaer Technology Park in Troy, but you can follow the exchange live at this link: HERE’S THE LINK TO FASO-TEACHOUT DEBATE…


Faso, Teachout Romp Here, Throughout 19th

Faso, Teachout Romp Here, Throughout 19th COOPERSTOWN – Republican John Faso and Democrat Zephyr Teachout will joust Tuesday, Nov. 8, for the 19th District Congressional seat after each trounced opponents in today’s primaries. In Otsego County, Faso, a former Assembly minority leader and gubernatorial candidate from Kinderhook, beat businessman Andrew Heaney of Dutchess County 1,041-394, or 72 percent to 27 percent.…


Farms Under-Appreciated Resource In 19th District, 5 Candidates Agree

Farms Under-Appreciated Resource In 19th District, 5 Candidates Agree By CATHY B. KOPLEN • for AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – A vision for the future of the Southern Tier – including healthy, productive farms; maximizing natural resources; and a saturation of high-speed, broad-band Internet access – was touted by five candidates vying for the 19th district U.S. Congressional seat Tuesday. The candidates, Republicans John Faso, Andrew Heaney and Bob Bishop, and Democrats Zephyr Teachout and Will Yandik, were invited to speak with…