templeton foundation – All Otsego


templeton foundation


Bosley: Bassett Project Will Be Beneficial

Letter from Jay Bosley Bassett Project Will Be Beneficial This writing is in response to your April 4, 2024 editorial regarding housing in Oneonta and Cooperstown, New York. It is true, a possible 100 percent of voting-age residents living on Averill Road, Cooperstown were against the Bassett project in January of 2023, all four of them. That changed in September of 2023, when we moved into our place. We respect our neighbors’ opposition to the Bassett project, but my wife…


Editorial: A Tale of Two Housing Units

Need for housing of all types has been identified by the City of Oneonta in its own comprehensive plan. Need for housing of all types has been identified by the Village of Cooperstown and by the NY Forward Local Planning Committee. Why, then, are the RSS and Averill Road projects so controversial?…

Village Reviews Application from Templeton Foundation

Village Reviews Application from Templeton Foundation Averill Road Project Back for Second Look By DARLA M. YOUNGSCOOPERSTOWN Following two lawsuits and 90 minutes of oral argument in Madison County Supreme Court in April, Templeton Foundation has resubmitted plans for its proposed multi-residential project on Averill Road and is once again seeking the issuance of a Special Use Permit by the Cooperstown Board of Trustees.…


Averill Road Activity

Averill Road Activity COOPERSTOWN—Not much has happened at the Village of Cooperstown Averill Road site since April 6, when Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan ruled the Templeton Foundation could proceed with geotechnical testing contingent upon New York State Department of Environmental Conservation compliance. Today, however, there were workers on-site chipping brush and branches, and hauling lumber from the property. Templeton’s proposed housing project, which has been the subject of two lawsuits to date, is intended for…


Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court

Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court Templeton Foundation To Proceed with Geotechnical Testing Contingent Upon DEC Compliance By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE Following 90 minutes of oral argument on Thursday, April 6, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan has determined that the Templeton Foundation can move forward with geotechnical testing on its property at Averill Road in Cooperstown, in order to understand the subsurface conditions of the potential development site. However, in order to do so, Templeton…


Averill Road Case To Be Heard Next Thursday

Averill Road Case To Be HeardNext Thursday By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE On Thursday, March 23, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan issued a temporary restraining order preventing Templeton Foundation or its agents from any further on-site work at the foundation’s property on Averill Road in the Village of Cooperstown. An order to show cause is a court order or the demand of a judge requiring a party to justify or explain why the court should or should not grant a motion or a relief,…


Lord: Zamelis Piece Buried Last Week

Letter from Paul Lord Zamelis Piece Buried Last Week Please help me here. I want to thank you for publishing lawyer Zamelis’ letter in the March 16 edition of “The Freeman’s Journal,” but I also want to understand why that news, if it is true, was buried on page 8. It appears Zamelis’ story is the most important local news found in that edition of “The Freeman’s Journal.” Why is there no mention of the story on page 1? Will…


Second Lawsuit Filed Regarding Averill Road

Second Lawsuit FiledRegarding Averill Road By DARLA M. YOUNGSCOOPERSTOWN After submitting a “Partial Observer” commentary to “The Freeman’s Journal” and “Hometown Oneonta” last week regarding concerns about work being done on the Templeton Foundation’s Averill Road property, environmental lawyer Douglas H. Zamelis has filed a second lawsuit against the Village of Cooperstown Board of Trustees, the Village of Cooperstown zoning enforcement officer and Templeton Foundation itself. On January 18, Zamelis had filed a petition in the Madison County Supreme Court…


The Partial Observer: What Are We Doing? Activity at Averill Road Property Questioned

The Partial Observer by Douglas Zamelis, Esq. What Are We Doing? Activity atAverill Road Property Questioned It’s common knowledge Templeton Foundation seeks to build a large housing development on its property on Averill Road in the Village of Cooperstown. The village zoning law requires a special permit prior to construction and state law requires that prior to granting approval, the Board of Trustees must assess and mitigate the project’s environmental impacts. Because the project is in an historic district and…