the ruffles plan – All Otsego


the ruffles plan


Uncle Sam, Font of Plenty, Thanks To Printing Presses

EDITORIAL Uncle Sam, Font of Plenty, Thanks To Printing Presses Ain’t Uncle Sam great! At least his ability to print money. After the year-long COVID pandemic, which cost Otsego County government $10.6 million, the federal government is sending it $11 million. That’s $400,000 in profit, from the greatest pandemic in 100 years. The beauty of it is county government, under the guidance of brainy Allen Ruffles, the county treasurer, had already taken steps to stem the bleeding. The Ruffles Plan,…


32 Million From $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Headed Our Way

32 Million From $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Headed Our Way Biden Makes Us ‘Whole’, Ruffles Says By JIM KEVLIN • Special to After a year of hemorrhaging losses, the Biden Stimulus Plan will make Otsego County government “whole,” according to County Treasurer Allen Ruffles. “That’s what I would think,” Ruffles said, after reviewing the news he was planning to deliver when the county Board of Representatives met Wednesday, April 7, for its monthly meeting. “It would make us whole.” In…