Theresa Carlin – All Otsego


Theresa Carlin


WOLF: Law is Clear: Public Has Right To Know

Letter from Peter Wolf Law is Clear: Public Has Right To Know Former school superintendent Theresa Carlin stated, “I’d love to comment and share the story, but am not able due to the NDA …” (Non-Disclosure Agreement). When a public employee resigns from a position and taxpayers are obligated to pay the employee’s salary and health benefits for an additional year, the public has a right to know what happened. Supt. Carlin and the school district entered into a “Release…


FOIL Request Results Demystify Super’s Abrupt Resignation

FOIL Request Results Demystify Super’s Abrupt Resignation By DARLA M. YOUNGSSCHENEVUS The road ahead continues to be rocky for Schenevus Central School District, as documents requested via the New York State Freedom of Information Law reveal former superintendent Theresa Carlin had filed a complaint through the state’s Division of Human Rights against the district. According to its website, the New York State Division of Human Rights “is dedicated to eliminating discrimination, remedying injustice, and promoting equal opportunity, access, and dignity…


Former Supervisor Sets Record Straight, Reflects on Future

Former Supervisor Sets Record Straight, Reflects on Future Merger Revote Petition Filed By DARLA M. YOUNGSSCHENEVUS Schenevus Central School District Superintendent Theresa Carlin resigned during a special Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, December 27, effective December 31. Carlin stepped down just over a year after Schenevus taxpayers voted against a proposed merger with Worcester Central School. The merger had been approved in a straw vote held by both districts in September 2021, but Schenevus residents ultimately opposed the merger…


Schenevus and Worcester schools look ahead after merger vote fails

Schenevus and Worcester schools look ahead after merger vote fails By Kevin Limiti After community members voted down the Schenevus-Worcester schools merger on December 2, disappointment and a feeling of missed opportunity permeated in those who supported the union of their respective districts. The final tally showed 70 percent of Schenevus community members voting against the merger. Worcester voters, on the other hand, voted to approve by a 64 percent – 36 percent margin. State Senator Peter Oberacker (R-Schenevus) told…


Schenevus-Worcester merger voted down in split vote

Schenevus-Worcester merger voted down in split vote The Schenevus-Worcester merger, which would have combined the Schenevus Central School district into the Worcester Central School district, ended in defeat after a majority of Schenevus district members voted against it, ending a tumultuous two year process that polarized their respective communities. The results came in late Wednesday night with Schenevus CSD voting 509 against the merger to 254 in favor. Worcester CSD members voted to approve the merger by 298 to 162.…


Worcester, Schenevus merger up for December 1 vote

Worcester, Schenevus merger up for December 1 vote By Kevin Limiti • Special to Schenevus and Worcester Central school districts vote December 1 to decide whether they merge the districts, a move which has divided residents. If approved, the Worcester Central School district would annex Schenevus. The Schenevus school building would retain its name and dragon mascot, and function as a Kindergarten-through-fifth grade elementary school. Worcester Central would host grades 6 to 12. Voters approved the merger in a…


Schools prepare for delta variant

Schools prepare for delta variant By Kevin Limiti • Special to With the delta variant of the coronavirus virus causing jumps in cases across the county and the country, some Otsego County school districts are gearing up to welcome kids back to classes with masks on. This is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, which has labeled Otsego County as a “substantial transmission” area where, in theory, masks are recommended indoors regardless of vaccination status. COVID…


As ‘Merger Mondays’ end, Tuesday decision looms for Schenevus, Worcester

As ‘Merger Mondays’ end, Tuesday decision looms for Schenevus, Worcester By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to The last of the Merger Mondays took place Monday, June 14, ahead of Tuesday’s board vote. The superintendents of Worcester and Schenevus central schools acknowledged the growing pains of a merger, but also argued its perceived importance to a group of about 15 attendees. Some of the guests included Assemblyman Brian Miller, and Jeff Bishop, communications director for state Sen. Peter Oberacker, R-Schenevus,…


Worcester Decides: We Won’t Take In Schenevus Students

Worcester Decides: We Won’t Take In Schenevus Students By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to WORCESTER – Less than a month after the Schenevus Central School Board voted to begin talks with Worcester about tuitioning-out, Worcester Central School turned down the proposal, citing legal issues. “In the beginning, tuitioning for both sides looked good,” said Worcester superintendent Tim Gonzales. “But as we dug deeper and looked more into the legal side, that’s where it got muddy,” he said.…


Schenevus Takes First Step Towards Tuitioning Out

Schenevus Takes 1st Step Towards ‘Tuitioning Out’ By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to SCHENEVUS – With $150,000 in state aid not coming through and a merger study still not guaranteed, the Schenevus Central school board voted unanimously on a resolution to begin talks with Worcester on “tuitioning out”  middle and high school students. “We started off the week with a very scary situation,” said District Treasurer Greg Beall. “The state did not give us $150,000 in aid. Fortunately, we…