
Theresa Cyzeski


Via Zoom, Chamber Hails Entrepreneurs

OTSEGA HOSTS LIMITED CROWD Via Zoom, Chamber Hails Entrepreneurs In a sign of the times, state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, holds up the Eugene A. Bettiol Jr. Distinguished Citizen Award to the 10 people who, by state regulation, were all who could gather at this evening’s Otsego County Chamber  “Tribute to the Entrepreneurial Spirit”; normally, more than 200 attend The Otesaga gala.  In time of COVID-19, the ceremony was broadcast via Zoom .  Applauding the senator are, clockwise from lower…


Theresa’s Emporium Lifts Oneonta’s Morale

Theresa’s Emporium Lifts Oneonta’s Morale By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Theresa Cyzeski believes that, as Christmas approaches, Oneonta could be a destination not just for holiday shopping, but for holiday cheer. “We could be like a Hallmark movie,” she said. “I had such a blast doing the scarecrows with the college students. Why couldn’t we have people downtown decorating light poles or making snow sculptures?” A Main Street staple for more than a decade, Theresa’s Emporium…