Tim Walker – All Otsego


Tim Walker


‘Drop’ Cannonball Artifact At Civil War Weekend

ACTION AT HYDE HALL Civil War Reenactment Features ‘Drop’ Cannonball Experience a Civil War-era encampment featuring soldiers in authentic uniforms, battle drills and performing tactical maneuvers as Hyde Hall’s Civil War Weekend continues today. Above, 15-year  veterans of reenactments, Jacob Manley and his father Richard, Hartwick, show off a Civil War era tent.  At right, re-enactor Tim Walker, Cooperstown, holds one of his prize artifacts, a certified unexploded 12-pound cannonball from Little Round Top at Gettysburg. In the heat of…


Walker Officially ‘Loves Otsego,’ Judge Declares

CLICK HERE FOR JUDGE’S DECISION Walker Officially ‘Loves Otsego,’ Judge Declares Marietta Will Use ‘Otsego United’ Line COOPERSTOWN – Republican Tim Walker is the winner of this round of the contest with county Rep. Andrew Marietta, D-Cooperstown/Town of Otsego, for the District 8 seat on the county Board of Representatives. State Supreme Court Judge Eugene D. Faughnan today issued his opinion in an action brought by Marietta:  “Independent party names are only protected to the extent their petitions for the…


Election Board Employee Filed On Walker’s Behalf

MARIETTA: I NEVER HAD A CHANCE Election Board Employee Filed On Walker’s Behalf By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Republican Tim Walker never filed for the “I Love Otsego” independent ballot line, according to the Democratic incumbent, Andrew Marietta. “It was a Republican board of elections employee who brought them in and filed them,” he said in a text following yesterday’s state Supreme Court hearing on the matter.  “The employee had access to the building far before…


Judge Grills Dem Lawyer At ‘I Love Otsego’ Hearing

MARIETTA VS. WALKER ARGUED Judge Grills Dem Lawyer At ‘I Love Otsego’ Hearing By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.allotsego.com COOPERSTOWN – State Supreme Court Judge Eugene D. Faughnan said he expects to make a decision by Monday on the dispute over the “I Love Otsego” ballot line between county Rep. Andrew Marietta, D-Cooperstown/Town of Otsego, and his Republican challenger Tim Walker. But at today’s hearing at the state Supreme Court here, he closely questioned Marietta’s lawyer, Dennis Laughlin, on…


‘I Love Otsego’ Case Going Before Judge

‘I Love Otsego’ Case Going Before Judge By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – A court action was filed today on behalf of county Rep. Andrew Marietta, D-Cooperstown/Town of Otsego, seeking to reclaim the “I Love Otsego” independent line on the Nov. 8 ballot from his Republican challenger, Tim Walker. Marietta’s lawyer, Dennis Laughlin, said the local county judges, Brian Burns and John Lambert, recused themselves, and the case was assigned to state Supreme Court Judge Jeffrey Tait…


Republican To Challenge Marietta For County Board

Republican To Challenge Marietta For County Board Dems Berliant, Martini Target Bliss, Gelbsman COOPERSTOWN – Tim Walker today officially announced his candidacy for Otsego County Board Representatives in District 8, Town of Otsego (which includes most of Cooperstown). He is challenging Democrat Andrew Marietta, who is completing his first term and plans to run again. While the deadline for filing petitions is still a month away, the fall campaign is already heating up. In the last 24 hours, Leslie Berliant,…