
tom heitz history column - Page 11

Hometown History: January 4, 2024

90 Years Ago
Dr. Charles W. Letizell, President of Hartwick College, welcomed the members of the faculty and student body at the opening Chapel exercises of 1934 yesterday morning. “I trust,” he said, “that you have all had a happy and delightful Christmas season, and I wish you a happy and successful new year. I pledge you the best that is in me that this may be the most successful year in the history of the college. I think that one…

Bound Volumes: December 28, 2023

The new Village Hall is to be formally opened with a Grand Ball given by the Fire Department on Friday evening, January 18. Gartland’s Tenth Regiment orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music. Previous to the Ball a concert will be given. A first-class lady singer, Mr. Gartland, cornet, and Mr. Prussian, piccolo, will be soloists, and will be supported by the orchestra, which all Cooperstown people know to be first class. As the proceeds will be…

Hometown History: December 28, 2023

“You’re not treating a patient anymore. You’re treating an adversary.” That’s how one physician sums up doctors’ fears of the professional and financial consequences of being sued for malpractice—even if they win their case. Those fears have triggered massive spending on defensive medicine, on malpractice insurance, and on the red tape these involve. The American Medical Association puts the total bill now at nearly $19 billion annually, or six cents for every dollar Americans spend for health care.…

Bound Volumes: December 21, 2023

Experience has shown that the tendency of all human government is, to corruption, oppression, and, finally, dissolution. Of course, no reflecting mind has hoped or expected that our government would, ultimately, be exempt from the common lot. Yet there were thousands—and we were among them—who had hoped, if they had not actually believed, that a government in itself so perfect and so well calculated to “secure the greatest happiness of the greatest number” as ours, might prove to…

Hometown History: December 21, 2023

70 Years Ago
A program on Americanism, directed by Mrs. Foster Crosby, highlighted the Christmas party of Sidney Chapter, DAR Wednesday in the Community House. Mrs. Crosby, in a reading on Communism in this country, described a devotee to Communism as a fanatic who lives only for his party, placing that above everything. She urged Americans to exert themselves to spread Americanism so others may realize how necessary freedom is in our way of life. Howard Dunbar, faculty member of Sidney…

Bound Volumes: December 14, 2023

Local: It is suggested that the Literary Society of Cooperstown take the initiative in organizing the Otsego County Historical Society.
The law against coasting on the sidewalks should be enforced. If those who have icy walks in front of their premises will take the proper means to do away with the danger often resulting therefrom, they will do a good deed.
It is suggested that when the Cooperstown railroad orders new locomotives, they may be of the kind that uses…

Hometown History: December 14, 2023

40 Years Ago
In a further effort to protect President Reagan and the White House from terrorism, the Secret Service has the ability to use ground-to-air missiles to shoot down suspicious aircraft flying near the White House without authorization, a source said Monday. The disclosure follows a series of steps to insulate the White House from terrorist attacks. The Secret Service monitors aircraft flying into and out of nearby National Airport from a control center in the Old Executive Office Building.…

Bound Volumes: December 7, 2023

The ceremonies attending the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg commenced this morning by a grand military and civic display, under command of Major General Couch. The line of march was taken up at 10 o’clock, and the procession marched through the principal streets to the cemetery, where the military formed in line and saluted the President. At a quarter past 11 the head of the procession arrived at the main stand. The President and members of…

Hometown History: December 7, 2023

110 Years Ago
One of the most important realty transactions in the city in some time has been consummated in the purchase of the A.S. Miles house on Chestnut Street from Henry E. Huntington by the Oneonta Building and Loan Association for a home for the organization which is recognized as one of the leading institutions of the city. The sale was made through E.R. Ford, Mr. Huntington’s agent. The house, which at the present time is occupied in part by…

Bound Volumes: November 30, 2023

The Watch-Care of Daughters—Parental instinct will guide all who have children of their own in the watch-care which should be bestowed upon their daughters. It will lead them to know what they read, with whom they associate, where they spend their leisure hours. And in Christian families this watch-care will extend to the domestics in their employ. Be their best friends and advisers; place in their hands interesting and proper reading matter, especially the best class of illustrated…

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