
tom heitz history column - Page 13

Hometown History: July 20, 2023

125 Years Ago
The Local News—From the annual report of the state factory inspectors it is seen that Otsego County has twenty factories, employing over 900 hands. Fourteen are located in Oneonta, three in Unadilla and two at Schenevus. In the county there are nine cigar factories, employing some 200 hands, three-fourths of whom are engaged in factories in Oneonta.
No man takes more pride in the neatness of the exterior surroundings of his residence than C.E. Ford. From the vases in…

Bound Volumes: July 20. 2023

British Monsters—Excerpt of a letter from Captain Cooper to Charles K. Mallory, Esq. Lieut. Gov. of Virginia—“I was in Hampton with my troop; that place having been evacuated in the morning by the British. My blood ran cold at what I saw and heard. The few distressed inhabitants running up in every direction to congratulate us; tears were shedding in every corner – the infamous scoundrels, monsters, destroyed everything but the houses, and (my pen is almost unwilling…

Hometown History: July 13, 2023

Following are excerpts from the so-called Alderman “Weidman’s Code,” a village ordinance governing the conduct of policemen patrolling in the Main Street and Market Street area of Oneonta: “…it shall be his duty to walk or patrol the entire length of said territory and keep a careful lookout to maintain order and preserve quietness and gentlemanly conduct from all, refraining from conversing with or holding extended conversations with anyone, except so far as is necessary to discharge the…

Bound Volumes: July 13, 2023

In the wake of several steam boat tragedies and injuries or death occasioned by other means involving steam-driven machines, the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to prepare and hand a report to Congress on the first day of the next Session, containing all the information that can be obtained as to the use of steam engines in the United States, and the accidents and loss of life or property which has attended their use.…


Hometown History: July 6, 2023

Bound Volumes, Hometown History July 6, 2023 135 YEARS AGOFew places excel Oneonta in facilities for obtaining an education. About 20 years ago a union school was established with a building which most of the inhabitants thought extravagantly large; but three extensions have since been added, each in size almost equaling the original structure, besides a two-story building in the western part of the village. The entire system is now under direction and management of Prof. N.N. Bull, who has…


Bound Volumes: July 6, 2023

Bound Volumes July 6, 2023 210 YEARS AGOAdvertisement: Vaccine Matter—The subscriber having been appointed by the President of the United States, Agent for Vaccination gives notice that genuine vaccine matter will be furnished to any physician citizen of the United States, who may apply to him for it. The application must be made by post and the requisite fee (five dollars) on the current bank paper of any of the middle states forwarded with it. When required, such directions, and…

Bound Volumes: June 29, 2023

210 YEARS AGO: Fourth of July – The Republicans of the County of Otsego will celebrate the Independence of the U. States, on the 5th of July next, at the Village of Cooperstown.…

Hometown History: June 29, 2023

135 YEARS AGO: Over the hill to the poor house – Mrs. Adelia Tobey, widow of the late Zacheus Tobey, formerly of Morris, aged 65 years, was on Saturday taken to the poor house by overseer Beach. She was formerly in good circumstances having, to use her own words, “everything that heart could wish.”…

Hometown History: June 22, 2023

110 Years Ago — Local News – Frank Pierce of Otego has purchased of Arthur M. Butts the local agent, a new Cadillac touring car. Mr. Pierce will never have reason to regret his selection. While there are many good cars being made these days there are none better at the price than these same Cadillacs.

  One of the largest regular passenger trains lately over the D. & H. through this city was No. 303 Wednesday morning, which consisted of…


Bound Volumes: June 15, 2023

Bound Volumes June 15, 2023 210 YEARS AGOBooks for Sale by H. & E. Phinney at their Book & Stationery Store, Cooperstown – “Halyburton’s Enquiry into the Principles of Modern Deists,” “Shakespeare’s Works – 8 Volumes,” “Winter in London – A Novel, 2 Volumes,” “Blair’s Lectures,” “Life of Rev. Cornelius Winter,” “Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, 5 Volumes,” “Camilla, A Novel,” “Buchan’s Domestic Medicine,” “Christ’s Second Appearing,” “Smith’s Essays on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure…

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