
tom heitz history column - Page 15

Hometown History

Bound Volumes, Hometown History September 7, 2023 40 Years AgoLeo Wickoff began working for the Delaware & Hudson Railway on January 27, 1942. Wickoff’s memory of the D&H yard is one of a bustling, busy place, with as many as 25 switch engines working during a single 24-hour work day. Wickoff considered himself to be lucky. “Some of the men went as long as 20 years before getting a regular job,” he said. “I was pretty fortunate. I had a…

Bound Volumes: August 31, 2023

It was a double chime ringing at Christ Church on Wednesday afternoon last. We do not know that the same interesting event ever before occurred in the history of our village—a double wedding, which naturally, claimed almost undivided attention and interest. Walter H. Bunn, Jr., and Grace H. Farmer, Clarence W. Davidson and Gertrude A. Bunn, all residents of Cooperstown were the happy couples united in marriage.
August 31, 1888…

Hometown History: August 31, 2023

50 Years Ago
While many Oneontans are bemoaning the meat shortage and only reluctantly acquiring a taste for meat substitutes, at least one local resident is well prepared to face the shortage. Patricia Keddell, age 17, and a senior at Oneonta High School, adopted the vegetarian diet of her host families during her stay as a Rotary Exchange student in India this past year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keddell of 8 Winney Hill Road, Oneonta. “I…

Hometown History: August 24, 2023

Tap water in Oneonta is distasteful and smells foul because engineers are pumping from the Susquehanna River to conserve precious water supplies in city reservoirs. The musty flavor is from leaf mold in the Mill Race, along the Susquehanna River, from which the city is drawing the river water, according to city engineer Richard C. Olton. “The resulting mold on the gathering leaves imparts the off-flavor,” Olton explained. Olton said chlorinating the river water and running it through…

Bound Volumes: August 24, 2023

Local & Personal: The many friends of Miss Cooper are happy to see her occasionally on the Lake steamers and out driving this summer. Her health has improved with the improvement in the Orphanage finances, which has lessened her cares and efforts in at least one direction.
In the lawn tennis tournament at the Cooper House last week the winners were: gentleman’s single, Marion Wright; Gentleman’s double, Mssers. Trevor and Bowers; mixed double, Mr. Trevor and Miss Johnson.
Base Ball:…

Hometown History: August 17, 2023

Bound Volumes, Hometown History August 17, 2023 50 Years AgoThe long-run viability of our dairy industry is threatened by a succession of events according to 27th District Congressman Howard W. Robinson who released a statement while attending the Delaware County Fair. “The price freeze has had an unanticipated adverse effect on the New York dairy industry. The after effects of Tropical Storm Agnes that resulted in shortages of feed grain and roughage and poor crop conditions this spring along with…

Bound Volumes: August 17, 2023

Bound Volumes August 17, 2023 110 YEARS AGOWhen Mrs. Frank B. Shipman, the Treasurer of the Parish Guild of Christ Church deposited in the Second National Bank the money received at the fair held in the parish house, the discovery was made that one of the five dollar bills in the pile was a fake. A casual glance at the bill would disclose nothing unusual, but under the keen eye of the banker its “queerness” was easily detected. Close examination…

Bound Volumes: August 10, 2023

To the Ladies—The ladies of Otsego County and its vicinity are respectfully informed that I have just received the first number of “The Ladies’ Magazine of Fashion,” as published by Mssrs. Saguers & Scott, 62 Liberty Street, New York. W. S. Fritts.
August 1838…

Hometown History: August 10, 2023

For the previous ten days a number of Oneonta gentlemen have been actively engaged in a movement for the organization of the Oneonta Country Club. At a meeting Thursday evening in the parlors of the City Club, at which were about 25 men perhaps most interested, initial steps were taken for the formation of such a club.
August 1913…

Bound Volumes: August 3, 2023

Activities at the Country Club: Five boats entered the sailing race last Wednesday from the Country Club. The Wednesday races are for the individual who wins them and the one who has won the greatest number of Wednesday races, regardless of the boat sailed, at the end of the season receives a cup. Those who were entered in the race Wednesday were: William C. Bowers, William Lee McKim, Waldo C. Johnston, William Truslow Hyde, Ralph Hyde and Wade…

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