
tom heitz history column - Page 17


Bound Volumes: June 1, 2023.

Bound Volumes June 1, 2023. 210 YEARS AGOAmong the ten provisions of a village ordinance adopted on May 21, 1813 is the following: Be it ordained by the Trustees of the Village of Cooperstown, that one-fifth part of the street on each side thereof be appropriated for sidewalks, and that no person shall lay or deposit, or leave any wood, timber, wagon, cart, sleigh, wheel-barrow, or other obstruction whatever, in or upon the said sidewalks, under the penalty of fifty…


Bound Volumes: May 25, 2023

Bound Volumes May 25, 2023 210 YEARS AGOThe King of Bavaria, with the intention of meeting the extraordinary exigencies of the state without increasing the amount of debt, and without obstructing the payments of the different services, which are made with the greatest regularity, has ordered that the voluntary loan which had been opened through the medium of a lottery, should be converted into a forced loan; in consequence of which all the inhabitants of the kingdom who possess a…


Hometown History: May 25, 2023

Hometown History May 25, 2023 135 Years AgoThe Local News – An order for steel rails for the Oneonta Street Railway Company has been placed with the Johnston Steel Rail Co. of Johnstown, PA. The rails are expected here in about three weeks. The capital stock of the street railroad company is $20,000, not $15,000, as stated last week. Reuben Reynolds and Fred Wilcox are among the largest stockholders.The Guy Table Company has changed its name to the Oneonta Table…


Hometown History: May 18, 2023

Hometown History May 18, 2023 135 Years AgoJust below the Plains Crossing, near this village, early in the week, the body of a black cat was found upon the track, cut in twain by the cars. “I wouldn’t be in the engineer’s place what run over that cat for all the money the company’s got,” said a railroad employee. “It doesn’t often happen that a cat gets caught, but to run over a black cat means death every time.” Whether…


Bound Volumes: May 18, 2023

Bound Volumes May 18, 2023 210 YEARS AGOHavre de Grace – This morning, a little after the break of day, a British armed force, under cover of armed vessels which anchored in front of this town in eleven large barges, landed below a small breast work which had been roughly thrown up, and in which were one nine and two four pounders, manned by 50 militia. The vessels in front of the town threw 8 Congreve rockets, one of which…


Hometown History: May 11, 2023

Hometown History May 11, 2023 135 Years AgoThe assembly has passed the Fassett bill prohibiting the sale of cigarettes, tobacco, etc., to children under sixteen, and it has gone to the governor for his signature. There has been a strong demand for the passage of the bill from all portions of the state, and there seems no doubt of its becoming a law. Nowhere is the urgency of a law regulating the sale of cigarettes more strongly felt than in…


Bound Volumes: May 11, 2023

Bound Volumes May 11, 2023 185 YEARS AGOThe Cherry Valley Gazette announces that the Central Bank at Cherry Valley resumed the payment of specie upon all its liabilities on the day previous. (Ed. Note: The banking crisis of 1837-1838 resulted from the issuing of private currency, or specie, by banking interests that had insufficient resources to redeem the notes) The Banks of New England, that intend ever to resume, will soon follow the excellent example of the New York and…


Hometown History: May 4, 2023

Hometown History May 4, 2023 135 Years AgoC.M. French announces his readiness to receive visitors and patrons at his portrait and art studios, rooms Nos. 12 and 13, Ford Block, opposite the post office. In addition to his portrait work, Mr. French will open a school for the study of industrial and fine art in room 13, which will be fitted up with the necessary studies, antique casts, etc., for a thorough course of study in drawing and painting. Mr.…


Bound Volumes: May 4, 2023

Bound Volumes May 4, 2023 210 YEARS AGOSeveral very large bets have been made in this city (Albany), on the result of the ensuing election – The following was offered and taken up on Tuesday last – 1,000 dollars was given to receive one dollar for each vote over 4,000, which Gen. Van Rensselaer should obtain more than Gov. Tompkins, for the office of Governor of this state. (Ed. Note: The wager came to nothing as Daniel D. Tompkins won…


Hometown History: April 27, 2023

Hometown History April 27, 2023 110 Years AgoThe lives of more than 100 miners were snuffed out shortly after noon today (April 23, 1913) when a disastrous explosion occurred in the Cincinnati Mine at the Monongahela Consolidated Coal and Coke Company at Finleyville, about 27 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. More than three score of workmen in the mine made thrilling escapes to the surface, crawling most of the time on their hands and knees through deadly gas fumes and over…

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