
tom heitz history column - Page 19


Bound Volumes: March 16, 2023

Bound Volumes March 16, 2023 210 YEARS AGOHerkimer, March 4: On Monday morning, about 4 o’clock, Major General Dearborn, Commander in Chief of all the armies of the United States, passed through this village for Sackett’s Harbor. Yesterday afternoon, a fine looking corps of United States Light Dragoons, well-mounted, of about 120, commanded by Col. Burns, arrived in this village & encamped; and this morning proceeded on their march for Sackett’s Harbor. We understand a detachment of infantry and artillery…


Hometown History: March 16, 2023

Hometown History March 16, 2023 135 Years AgoThe bright, spring-like weather of Friday and Saturday last, a warm sun shining on bare ground, was succeeded by a dark day Sunday, and that night began the heaviest snowfall of the season. The wind came up with the day, and the dry, powdery snow still falling, drifts formed very quickly. The scene on Main Street Tuesday morning was Arctic enough – nothing in sight but great heaps and long reaches of dazzling…


Bound Volumes: March 9, 2023

Bound Volumes March 9, 2023 185 YEARS AGOA recent transaction at Washington having resulted in the murder of Jonathan Cilley, a Representative in Congress from the State of Maine, by an adherence of certain individuals to a relic of barbarism falsely termed the law of honor, (peculiar to bloody-minded men in all ages) the undersigned deem it expedient that a meeting of citizens of the County of Otsego be called and a public expression of their opinion on the subject…


Hometown History: March 9, 2023

Hometown History March 9, 2023 135 Years AgoThe season 1888 opens with the biggest real estate deal yet recorded for Oneonta in the purchase by Geo. I. Wilber, from A.C. Lewis, of all remaining to the latter of the old Ford place, 156.75 feet on Main Street, at about $30,000. This includes the east half of the Union Block, 22.5 feet, a fine four-story brick building, store on the street and three flats above – as well as a large…


Bound Volumes: March 2, 2023

Bound Volumes March 2, 2023 210 YEARS AGOMarine Prizes – At New York, British ship Rio Nouva, from London for St. Kitts and Antigua, with a valuable cargo of dry goods; prize to the Rolla, of Baltimore; taken after an action of 20 minutes, in which no lives were lost. The prize is a London-built ship, nearly 400 tons, coppered, not 3 years old – mounts 14 guns, and had 25 men. At Portland, British ship Ralph, and British brig…


Hometown History: March 2, 2023

Hometown History March 2, 2023 110 Years AgoResident Manager Roberts of the Oneonta Theatre has closed a contract with C.C. Miller for a thorough rewiring of the theatre and the removal of all the lighting fixtures now in use in that playhouse, and the installation in replacement of complete and modern equipment that will be up to the minute. The new wiring will conform to the highest standards of safety and of the underwriters and will make the house doubly…


Bound Volumes: February 23, 2023

Bound Volumes February 23, 2023 210 YEARS AGOOn the 29th December last, about 10 leagues from the coast of Brazil, the U.S. Frigate Constitution, Comm. Bainbridge, fell in with and captured his Majesty’s Frigate JAVA, of 49 guns, and manned with upwards of 400 men. The action continued one hour and fifty-five minutes, in which time the JAVA was made a complete wreck, having her bowsprit, and every mast and spar shot out of her. The Constitution had nine men…


Bound Volumes: February 16, 2023

Bound Volumes February 16, 2023 210 YEARS AGOThe Wisdom of Solomon – The Federalists and Republicans like the two women who each claimed the child both say – We are Patriots – the only true lovers of our country. And many honest, well-meaning men, not possessing all the wisdom of Solomon, have been puzzled to know who is the true mother, or, to drop the metaphor, who is the true Patriot. But, let the honest candid man apply the question…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: February 16, 2023

Hometown History February 16, 2023 135 Years AgoThe Local News – The tower of the Episcopal Church is to cost $1,895, and will be carried up 31 feet in stone and nine feet of galvanized iron – a total of 40 feet. The top finish square will consist of a battlement and pinnacles with crockets at the corners, and on one of the pinnacles a cross.We noted some time since that W.L. Scott of Norwich, a brother of Captain Walter…


Bound Volumes: February 9, 2023

Bound Volumes February 9, 2023 210 YEARS AGOOne of the best means of acquiring that happy state of mind called contentment is to take a fair retrospect of our past lives. Can we recollect periods when we formed a certain system and imagined certain objects would make us perfectly happy? Have we not obtained those very objects; and found ourselves as far from the ever-receding horizon of expected bliss as when we were without them? The truest philosophy, then, is…

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