
tom heitz history column - Page 26


HOMETOWN HISTORY: March 25, 2021

HOMETOWN HISTORY March 18, 2021 Compiled by Tom Heitz/SHARON STUART, with resources courtesy of The Fenimore Art Museum Research Library 135 Years Ago M. & L. Westcott, who are about to begin the construction of a four-story brick block to contain four stores on Main Street near the fire building, have arranged to open a new street between the proposed block and the residence of Dr. Hamilton, to be called Hamilton Avenue. The street will run from Main to Front…


BOUND VOLUMES: March 11, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES March 11, 2021 185 YEARS AGO In our notice last week, of the result of town elections in this county, we did injustice to the Town of Decatur, by stating that she had elected an opposition man for supervisor, and now make amends by correcting the error and asserting the fact, that Col. Robert C. Lansing, a firm democrat is elected – thus, of the 22 towns, placing Richfield alone in the opposition ranks, and in her case…

HOMETOWN HISTORY: March 11, 2021

HOMETOWN HISTORY March 11, 2021 135 Years Ago Home & Vicinity – Joe Lee, a very mild-mannered Chinaman, with his pig tail neatly coiled under his hat, was in town Tuesday with the intention of starting a laundry here. Upon looking the field over he was induced to visit Cooperstown, where they have no laundry. Joe Lee was chaperoned about town by Mr. G.W. Ingalls, who took a great fancy to the almond-eyed wanderer and bestowed upon him innumerable courtesies.…


BOUND VOLUMES: March 4, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES March 4, 2021 210 YEARS AGO The revenues of the state school fund may for the present be estimated at $36,427.64, arising from the following sources: $20,160.64 interest on bonds and mortgages; $10,665.00 dividends on bank stock; $1,600.00 collections from quarters used for dormitories; $4,000.00 net proceeds of the clerk’s offices of the Supreme Court. (Ed. Note: A portion of clerk’s fees for legal proceedings retained in excess of expenses was diverted to education) March 2, 1811…



HOMETOWN HISTORY March 4, 2021 100 Years Ago Oneonta & Vicinity – General Manager C.S. Sims of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, said today that the purpose of removal of the headquarters of the Susquehanna Division, now located at the Delaware & Hudson building at Steuben and Pearl streets in Albany, to Oneonta, is to bring the superintendent of the division and his men in closer touch with the work. It will necessitate the relocation of about 15 men, including…


HOMETOWN HISTORY: February 25, 2021

HOMETOWN HISTORY February 25, 2021 150 Years Ago Editorial: The Temperance Question – We are ever ready to do all in our power for the advancement of that noble virtue – Temperance. A virtue, without which, man is not certain of a foothold to life. There is no evil that drags such countless thousands to poverty, unhappiness and early graves, as drinking intoxicating liquors. We have good laws – which provide that no liquors can be sold. What we need…


BOUND VOLUMES: February 25, 2021

BOUND VOLUMES February 25, 2021 200 YEARS AGO At a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Otsego, held at Captain Stephen North’s, William Sprague, Chairman and Isaac Williams, Secretary, the following nominations were made: William Sprague, Supervisor, George Pomeroy, Town Clerk; Ambrose Clark, Buckingham Fitch, Israel Loomis, Assessors; Buckingham Fitch, Israel Loomis, Postmasters; Hezekiah Loomis, Abraham Van Horne, William McCrombie, Commissioners of Highways; John H. Prentiss, Abraham Van Horne, Issac Williams, Commissioners of Schools; Stephen Williams, Constable and…


BOUND VOLUMES: December 3, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES December 3, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Thanksgiving — Wednesday next is the day recommended by the Chief Magistrate of this State to be set apart for Public Thanksgiving and Prayer to Almighty God. The inhabitants of this County, being principally emigrants from New England, and accustomed to venerate the examples of their forefathers, it is presumed a recommendation so consonant with their practices, will meet with the most respectful consideration, and that setting aside the things of time…

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