tommy ibrahim – All Otsego


tommy ibrahim


Valentine’s Soirée Raises More Than $250,000.00 for School-Based Health

School-Based Health staff and school superintendents pose with the event’s honorary guests, Chris Kjolhede, MD, MPH, and Jane V. Hamilton, RN. Bottom row, from left: Denise Hernandez, Corinne Smith, Jane Hamilton, Dawn Calkins, Paul Arandia, Courtney Graham-Arandia, Emily Wentworth, Kristen Stanford, Denise Dye, Ann Marie Mills, Susan Converse. Middle row: Chris Kjolhede, Janet Erickson, Gloria Robinson, Kerri LeBlanc, Jessica Gaske, Betsy Duerheimer, Michelle Nieves. Top row: Holly Bennett, Ruthanne Van Buren, Brittney Hanford, Tammy Loucks, Janet Erickson, Kristen Wager, Leah…


IBRAHIM: Flu, COVID-19 and Hospital Happenings

Flu, COVID-19 and Hospital Happenings By DR. TOMMY IBRAHIM Monthly news and insights by Dr. Tommy Ibrahim, president and CEO of Bassett Healthcare Network I am honored to have the opportunity to reach you through “The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta.” Each month I will keep you up to date on emerging public health information, share the latest news from Bassett Healthcare Network, talk about health trends in the news, address your questions and concerns, and discuss ways you and…


Letters: Bassett Responds

Letters to the Editor Bassett Responds As I frequently hear from our patients (many of whom are family, friends, and neighbors) it’s often difficult to schedule an appointment with Bassett. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear from a patient or family member about their challenging experience accessing care, and a recent editorial published by one of our community members in this newspaper really hit home. Long hold times, dropped calls, unreliable customer service, limited appointment availability, and…


Letter from Jim Renckens: Please Hold…

Letter from Jim Renckens Please Hold… After 2 years going silent to regroup their organizational strategies, under new CEO Tommy Ibrahim, and the Bassett Healthcare —“Your call is very important to us please stay on the line your call…”—Network is emerging with a legacy driven ad campaign. This new campaign—“This call is very important to us please stay on the…”—will highlight the accomplishments of its founder Dr. Mary Imogene Bassett, one ofthe first female medical directors in—“Your call is very…


Bassett chief reflects on a busy first year at helm

Bassett chief reflects on a busy first year at helm [Editor’s note: We invited Dr. Tommy Ibrahim, President and Chief Executive Officer of Bassett Healthcare Network, to reflect on his first year at the helm of our regional healthcare facilities. He provided to The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta the following as a first-person, open letter to the communities the network serves.] Dear Friends, Neighbors and Colleagues, By many measures, 2021 was challenging and transformative for our community and Bassett…


Bassett bonuses thank workers

Bassett bonuses thank workers By Ted Potrikus Bassett Healthcare Network last week awarded ‘gratitude’ bonuses to its full complement of some 5,000 full- and part-time employees, made possible in large part through a donation from the Scriven Foundation. Speaking with The Freeman’s Journal and Hometown Oneonta, Bassett Healthcare Network President and CEO Dr. Tommy Ibrahim credited the entire staff for its hard work throughout another year of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Of course it’s been another tumultuous year,” he said. “Bassett…


Bassett Healthcare forced to cut service because of worker shortages

Bassett Healthcare forced to cut service because of worker shortages By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to Just one day after the vaccination mandate deadline, Bassett Healthcare was forced to cut services in certain areas because of a loss of staff members, Tuesday, Sept. 28. Bassett announced the changes Tuesday,  calling it a need to “redeploy staff temporarily” because of shortages. Services affected include outpatient laboratory draws, which are now by appointment only. Cooperstown Convenient Care has been forced to…


Healthcare groups take different vax views

Healthcare groups take different vax views Despite court stay, Bassett to require employees to comply; Cooperstown Center asks state to reconsider By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to Healthcare groups in Otsego County are dealing with the state’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers and the need to keep their facilities staffed. Bassett Healthcare Network, one of the largest employers in the area, is determined to vaccinate its entire workforce in spite of backlash and the potential loss of employees. Bassett…


Bassett Healthcare has Sept. 27 deadline for employees to be vaccinated

Bassett Healthcare has Sept. 27, deadline for employees to be vaccinated By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to COOPERSTOWN — In response to the state government mandating vaccinations for all healthcare workers, Bassett Healthcare has given its employees a deadline of Monday, Sept. 27, in order to have the first dose of the vaccine. The mandate does not offer room for religious exemption but it does allow medical exemptions. An internal email, penned by Dr. Tommy Ibrahim, CEO of Bassett…


Healthcare workers must now get COVID vaccine

Healthcare workers must now get COVID vaccine Staff Report • Special to All healthcare workers in New York State will now be required to get the COVID vaccine with the first dose being received no later than Monday, Sept. 27. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced this on Tuesday, Aug. 17, and it applies to hospital workers as well as long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. There will be limited exceptions for either religious or medical reasons. Dr. Tommy Ibrahim…

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