Town of Hartwick – Page 3 – All Otsego


Town of Hartwick - Page 3


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: New Years Eve Frozen 5K 12-31-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 New Years Eve Frozen 5K New Years Eve! FROSTBITE 5K – 12:30 p.m. Get your ugliest Christmas sweaters and get outside to celebrate the season. This year the run is in memory of John Hayen who was a fixture of the runs for 20 years. Registration required. Starts at Oneonta YMCA, 20-26 Ford Ave., Oneonta. 607-432-0010 or visit…


Hartwick’s ‘Clean Sweep’ Marks 10th Anniversary

Hartwick’s ‘Clean Sweep’ Marks 10th Anniversary Hartwick Town Board Member Bruce Markusen tosses debris into dumpsters at Saturday’s 10th annual “Clean Sweep,” where volunteers and homeowners bring scrap metal and electronics to the town barn next to Town Hall for disposal.   At right is Chris Briggs, who volunteered with son Andrew to help with the cleanup.  Inset, Town Clerk Andrea Vazquez signs in participants.  Seated behind her is Pat Ryan, who began the “Clean Sweep” a decade ago while she…


Skunk Tested For Rabies; One Person In Treatment

FOUND INJURED ON HARTWICK ROAD Skunk Tested For Rabies; One Person In Treatment HARTWICK – A skunk tested positive for rabies today in the Town of Hartwick, the county  Health Department reports. The animal was found in a roadway, was taken to a local veterinarian and sent to the state lab for rabies testing. One person was exposed, and is undergoing rabies-post exposure treatment.…


Hartwick Invites Public To Discuss Bed-Tax Hike

Hartwick Invites Public To Discuss Bed-Tax Hike HARTWICK – The Hartwick Town Board is planning a listening/information session on a proposed 2 percent hike in the county bed tax, from 4 to 6 percent, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, in the town hall. The county Board of Representatives planned at its January meeting to petition the state Legislature to allow the bed-tax hike, but county Rep. Meg Kennedy, C-Hartwick, having received concerns from her constituents, was able to have…


‘You Have Arrived’ Signs Welcome You To Hartwick

‘You Have Arrived’ Signs Welcome You To Hartwick HARTWICK – As drivers have been noticing, the Town of Hartwick has posted 12 “You Have Arrived” signs at entry points to the community and its hamlets. The signs are been raised entering the Route 28  business district, near Toddsville (Historic Mill Village), Hartwick Seminary (Home of the first Lutheran Seminary in America), and at the Hamlet of Hartwick at Routes 205 and 11.  The maroon colored detail dates back to the…


Public Hearing Set On New Hartwick Hotel

Fire Fighting, Septic, Access Issues For Hotel Public Hearing On Hampton Inn Set Jan. 8 By PATRICK WAGER • Special to HARTWICK – Fire protection, entrances onto Route 28 and septic issues were up for discussion when plans for a Hampton Inn & Suites in Hartwick Seminary came before the town Planning Board Tuesday. A public hearing has been set on the project for 7 p.m.  Tuesday, Jan. 8, the planning board’s next meeting. Skyline Hospitality, which is affiliated with…


Tops Prepares Plan To Avoid Bankruptcy

Tops Prepares Plan To Avoid Bankruptcy COOPERSTOWN – Williamsville-based Tops Markets, which operates a supermarket in Cooperstown Commons, announced that it has filed a Plan of Reorganization with U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. The plan incorporates the company’s court-approved agreements with its unions and is supported by certain of the company’s senior secured lenders that hold more than 87 percent of its Senior Secured Notes due 2022, the company said.…



XNG GAS-CARRIER CRASHES PHOTOS SURFACE ON FLIPPED-OVER TRUCK These photos of last Tuesday’s crash of an XNG truck en route south from the company’s plant near Little Falls, were provided to by Bill Huston, Binghamton, who has been monitoring the trucks since they began driving back and forth in February from the Northeast Pennsylvania fracking fields.  He writes, “This type of vehicle is a Hexagon Composites Titan-40. It is a very high-tech vehicle, a Type-4 CNG Carbon-Fiber Composite Tube…