Town of Middlefield – All Otsego


Town of Middlefield

Happenin’ Otsego: 12-01-24

HOLIDAYS—1-4 p.m. “Christmas at the Schoolhouse.” Middlefield School House, 3698 County Highway 35, Middlefield.…


Middlefield Fall Festival Returns Sunday

Cherry Valley’s Happy Haggs will mingle with the crowd for photos around 11 a.m., and will perform their dancing spells at 11:30. Adults and children in costume are invited to “trunk or treat” on the baseball field below the schoolhouse at 1 p.m., featuring pumpkin painting.…


Skunk Tests Positive for Rabies

The skunk was found to be acting abnormally and tested positive for rabies on Saturday, August 24. According to the report, several farm animals were exposed to the skunk. All were up to date with their rabies vaccine. There was human exposure, and the individual is being treated with post exposure prophylaxis, officials said.…


Comp Plan Meetings Scheduled

Town of Middlefield Supervisor David Karl announced that the Middlefield Comprehensive Plan Workgroup will hold three additional focus group meetings at the Town Hall this fall.…


Road Closing in Town of Middlefield

Town of Middlefield Supervisor Dave Karl has announced that Ottaway Road in the Town of Middlefield will be closed near the intersection of Ottaway Road and County Route 33 to replace the culvert over Red Creek. The closing will be from August 28 to approximately September 29.…


Middlefield Community Day

Town of Middlefield Historical Society plans Community Day fun Town of Middlefield Historical Association hosts the town’s Community Day on Sunday, July 10, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Old District No. 1 Schoolhouse in the hamlet of Middlefield.      This year’s Community Day features a vendor extravaganza with talented artisans exhibiting a variety of media ranging from art works to woodworking products made on site, handmade children’s clothing to locally collected products like honey and wax items…


Middlefield Supervisor Resigns Five Days Into Term

New Middlefield Supervisor Resigns 5 Days Into Term By JAMES CUMMINGS • Special to MIDDLEFIELD – Newly elected Town of Middlefield Town Supervisor Marc Heller has resigned just five days into his term, citing “personal reasons.” Currently, deputy Bud Taber is filling the role on a temporary basis, but former Town Supervisor Joseph Harris may be appointed by the Town Board during their meeting on Tuesday, having volunteered after hearing of Heller’s resignation.…


Annual Trash Day Packed, With Waits Up To 90 Minutes

Annual Trash Day Packed, With Waits Up To 90 Minutes Due To Crush, Drop-Off Extended Until All Served At Meadows Complex By JIM KEVLIN • Special to MIDDLEFIELD – “A record,” Erik Scrivener, the senior county planner, called out as he directed drivers, some who had been lined up this morning for 90 minutes, to their final destination:  the annual Hazardous Household Waste Day at the county’s Meadows Office Complex. By 9 a.m., probably sooner, traffic was backed up ¾-miles…


First 2 Tiny Homes In Place At Meadows

CLICK TO READ ‘TINY HOMES, BIG IDEAS’ First 2 Tiny Homes In Place At Meadows Brian Wilcox, of Wilcox Construction Co., Norwich, top, examines the first two of 15 “tiny homes” behind the county’s Meadows Office Complex, Town of Middlefield. The small structures are a county Board of Representatives’ initiative to provide temporary housing for the county’s homeless. Inset, Senior County Planner Erik Scrivener examines the space in one of the structures where the bathroom will be located. The bathroom…