Town of Oneonta Board – All Otsego


Town of Oneonta Board


Oneonta’s Growth May Mean Stricter Laws on Short-Term Rentals

Oneonta’s Growth May Mean Stricter Laws On Short-Term Rentals By JENNIFER HILL • Special to ONEONTA – As summer tourism booms, the Town of Oneonta might see a “mini urban renewal” – just so long as everyone is in compliance. “We have the issue of bigger homes where there has to be family living in them,”  Joe Camarata, Planning Board Chair, told the Town of Oneonta Board.  “How do you police that?  I think we suggest they come into…


Town Board: Unanimous No On Compressor Station Grant

It’s Unanimous: Town Board Rejects Gas Decompressor By JENNIFER HILL • Special to ONEONTA – At the urging of Otsego 2000 and 40 people who showed up at its monthly meeting, the Oneonta Town Board last night unanimously voted to oppose a $3.5 million state grant application for a gas decompression station at Pony Farm. “No member of the Town Board is in favor of the decompressor gas station,” declared Supervisor Bob Wood at the start of the meeting.…

Oneonta Town Board Rejects GO-EDC Study

 ONEONTA TOWN BOARD REJECTS GO-EDC STUDY By LIBBY CUDMORE • for ONEONTA – 24 hours after Common Council voted unanimously to pay its $12,500 share of the Local Government Efficiency Grant to study cost-saving measures between the town and the city, the Town Board refused to even bring the resolution, prepared by GO-EDC’s Bill Shue and Al Colone, to a motion for vote. “We don’t respond to ransoms,” said Town Board member Andrew Stammel.  “These are two activists who don’t live in our…