Town of Otsego news – All Otsego


Town of Otsego news


L.I. Families Look To Build Pricey Homes

CLICK FOR VIDEO OF FORMER RESORT L.I. Families Look To Build Pricey Homes Agents In County Last Weekend With Sights On Fieldstone Farm By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – “Representatives of a group” of Long Island residents were in Otsego County over the weekend, looking for builders interested in constructing a number of single-family homes on Fieldstone Farm, a former resort and event venue overlooking Canadarago Lake. The project was discussed at Otsego Now’s Project Committee meeting…


Cooperstown Tallies 60 Ballots Per Hour

Cooperstown Tallies 60 Ballots Per Hour Voting Inspector Rick Jagels assists a voter at the ballot-reading machine at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Cooperstown, a few minutes, where 350 citizens had already cast their ballots, plus another 200 in Fly Creek, the Town of Otsego’s other voting station.  Voting at St. Mary’s was steady at a rate of 60 per hour, well above normal. Other polling officials are Ed Gwilt, seated, and Tom Lyon, standing. At right, William Clark and Jean…


Pomeroy Foundation Funds 5 Fly Creek History Markers

Pomeroy Foundation Funds 5 Fly Creek History Markers FLY CREEK – The Fly Creek Area Historical Society will be erecting five historical markers with a William G. Pomeroy Foundation Legend & Lore Roadside Marker grant. The markers will be for Cattown Road, Panther Mountain, Goose Street, Honey Joe Road and Bed Bug Hill, and will be dedicated at the historical society’s annual BBQ celebration July 15.…


Election Board Employee Filed On Walker’s Behalf

MARIETTA: I NEVER HAD A CHANCE Election Board Employee Filed On Walker’s Behalf By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Republican Tim Walker never filed for the “I Love Otsego” independent ballot line, according to the Democratic incumbent, Andrew Marietta. “It was a Republican board of elections employee who brought them in and filed them,” he said in a text following yesterday’s state Supreme Court hearing on the matter.  “The employee had access to the building far before…