Town of Richfield – All Otsego


Town of Richfield


Richfield, Oneonta Awarded Grants

New York State Archives recently announced the winners of the 2023-2024 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund grant program. The Archives awarded 87 grants totaling $5.2 million for municipal projects related to inactive records, files management, management of historical records or digitization.…


Town Talk: Town of Richfield

Using ARPA funds from Otsego County, the Town has significantly upgraded the Baker’s Beach facility on Canadarago Lake. Improvements include the installation of boat docks at the south end of the property and the purchase of playground equipment for the beach. Further improvements are in the planning stages.…


Collaboration for Canadarago

Collaboration for Canadarago By DAN SULLIVANRICHFIELD SPRINGS – Coping with harmful algal blooms (HABs) has become a distressing reality for those who live, work, and play in and around New York’s lakes. This summer, both Otsego and Canadarago lakes were plagued with long-duration HABs, curtailing activities for much of the summer season. In response to the crisis at Canadarago, a coalition of four communities and one civic organization has formed to take action to save the lake. The Towns of…


4 Candidates Vying In Oneonta Primary

CLICK FOR ALL RACES, POLLING PLACES 4 Candidates Vying In Oneonta Primary ONEONTA – Four candidates are vying for the Democratic nomination to two seats on Common Council in tomorrow’s primary election.  Polls will be open noon-9 p.m. at Foothills.  Click below for questionnaires provided by the four candidates: SETH CLARK, Ward 2 MARK DAVIES, Ward 2 JERID GOSS, Ward 4 KAYTEE LIPARI SHUE, Ward 4 Also, nominations will be decided in the towns of Laurens, Richfield and Spring, and…