town of winfield park – All Otsego


town of winfield park


Local Art for Sale at ‘Art in the Park’ on Sept. 8

Art in the Park is not intended as a craft show, organizers said, but will focus on showcasing two-dimensional pieces that include drawings, paintings, collage, printmaking, and photography. The event is free and open to the public, and features works by artists from West Winfield, Bridgewater, Unadilla Forks, Leonardsville, and West Edmeston, as well as localities and rural areas surrounding those communities.…


UUVA Plant Sale Is Saturday

The sale will feature dozens of perennial varieties donated by local gardeners, with prices ranging from $3.00 to $5.00 per pot. Ambrosia Farms of West Edmeston will also sell its organically grown, open-pollinated heirloom vegetables and herbs, with a portion of proceeds to benefit UUVA.  …



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, MAY 18 Milford Relay For Life RELAY FOR LIFE – 4-10 p.m. Celebrate cancer survivors, remember lives lost & raise money for the American Cancer Society. Survivor Walk, family fun activities, food, live music, raffles & bake sales, w/lighting luminaria & fireworks at end. Wilber Park, 1-9 S Main St State Hwy 28 Milford. Info,…