trees – All Otsego




80 New Trees Planted Near Oneonta High School

80 New Trees Planted Near Oneonta High School Volunteers Steve Londner and Dave Hutchison work together planting a sapling in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Conservation’s “Trees for Tributaries” initiative which planted 80 small trees and shrubs along the S-curve near Oneonta Hugh School this morning. Founded in 2007, the goal of the program is to plant young trees and shrubs along stream corridors to prevent erosion, increase flood water retention, improve wildlife and stream habitat, and protect water quality…


Plant 30 Trees A Year in Cooperstown, Survey Recommends

DECEMBER MEETING • COOPERSTOWN TRUSTEES Plant 30 Trees A Year In Village, Survey Suggests By PATRICK WAGER • Special to COOPERSTOWN – As many as 30 new trees a year could be planted in Cooperstown starting in 2020, according to Village Trustee Cindy Falk. “Right now we’re planting about a half a dozen trees a year,” she said. The Davey Resource Group of Kent, Ohio, just released a survey of the village’s 1,897 trees, with a proposed maintenance schedule…


Remembering Lives Lived And Lost

At Hospice Tree Lighting, Loved Ones Remembered Family and friends of those who have passed away gathered at Catskill Area Hospice in  Oneonta this afternoon to remember loved ones whose names were written on ornaments decorating trees along River Street Extension as part of the annual Tree of Lights event. Above, Joan Shackleton, Oneonta, shows her granddaughter Allie Bruno, Albany, the ornament bearing the name of late husband Raymond Shackleton. At right, Sharon Wheeler, Oneonta, takes a photo of the…

Maples, Locusts, Elms, Lilacs Among Trees Going Downtown

Maples, Locusts, Elms, Lilacs Among Trees Going Downtown By JIM KEVLIN • COOPERSTOWN – Norwegian sunset maples.  Skyline honey locusts.  Harvest gold lindens.  Homestead elms.  Emerald sunshine elms.  Ivory silk lilacs. These enticingly named trees will be planted along the north side of Main Street in late October and early November, according to Jim Kisker of Schichtel’s Nursery in Springville, near Buffalo. LEARN MORE ABOUT NORWEGIAN SUNSET MAPLES •  HARVEST GOLD LINDENS • IVORY SILK LILACS HOMESTEAD ELMS •…