Briefs include a performance in Muller Plaza, a free summer lunch program in Oneonta, summer story time at the Richfield Springs Public Library and more.…
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 20 Oneonta Tenor Competes in Boston Early Music Festival VIRTUAL CONCERT – 4 p.m. Tune in for virtual performance of sacred songs from 1574 to 1655 performed by Oneonta Tenor Fred Chrislip, accompanying himself on the Lute. Performance for the Boston Early Music Festival which promotes historical musical performance. Visit BEMF Fringe Concerts channel on Youtube to view.…
HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 20 Oneonta Tenor Competes in Boston Early Music Festival VIRTUAL CONCERT – 4 p.m. Tune in for virtual performance of sacred songs from 1574 to 1655 performed by Oneonta Tenor Fred Chrislip, accompanying himself on the Lute. Performance for the Boston Early Music Festival which promotes historical musical performance. Visit BEMF Fringe Concerts channel on Youtube to view.…